Chapter five || White lies

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First person://

My eyes flutter open to the sound of creaking floorboards and hushed arguing.

I rub my eyes as they adjust. All I remember was talking to him at the bar, him being called away and then blacking out. Now I'm back in Damiano's apartment where his t-shirt. I make out Damiano pacing the room on his phone. My head is still fuzzy, out of curiosity I decide to eavesdrop before he acknowledges my consciousness.

"No you fucking listen to me," Damiano commands.
"This was between me and him we had an agreement you wouldn't touch or harm her you fucking prick!" He shouts.
"I don't fucking care if he told you to I told all of you I wouldn't help anymore if you laid a hand on anyone I care about I'm gone." He asserted.
"No I'm done I'm not doing this shit anymore."
He hangs up and stands blankly staring at the door. Suddenly, he throws the phone against the door. He plops on bed throwing his head into his palms and groans.

"Damiano...?" I tremble.

Immediately he turns to face me sighing with relief.

"Amore mio!" He bursted.

He rushed beside me to cuddle.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Is your breathing alright?" He quickly blurted out.

My brain could barely process one question right now and he was speaking so fast I couldn't keep up...

"No, no I feel fine just... I couldn't see anything and I felt like I couldn't breathe and I... Damiano what happened? Who were those people?" I slur my words.

Damiano eyes glazed over searching for the right words.

"I was going to tell you I promise, I was just looking for the right time and it hadn't come... and you know we were having so much fun I didn't want to ruin it..."he started

"Damiano I can't take in all that right now my brain is fried." I whined.

"Shit I'm so sorry." He groans.

"No, no just please slow down I'm trying to process." I whimper.

He sighs deeply, looking uncomfortably at the floor below.

"I used to work for a... I'm not sure what word to use...bad? Yes, bad man," He begins
"I didn't know at the time, it was mostly just deliveries but I realized he was hiding something."
"What?" I stare at him puzzled.
"He killed people." He admits.

My eyes widen and my heart speeds up.

"But you didn't-" I stammer.
"No! I just did deliveries." He assured me.

But there something he's still hiding because he refuses to make eye contact with me.

"But there's something else..." he pauses.
"I'm sorta in debt to him." Damiano mutters.
"Why?" I ask.
"Well he did me a few favours." Damiano admits.

Silence floods the room.

"I swear I was going to tell you,"
"It's just not exactly first date talk." He jokes trying to lighten the mood.

I stare blankly at the ceiling.

"Please say something." He begs.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"3:27am." He replies.
"Can we please go to sleep?" I wail flopping to the side.
"Of course." He chuckles.

He smiles and takes his place beside me. I place my head on his chest.

"Damiano?" I whisper.
"Yes Chloe?" He replies.
"I really did have fun tonight." I whisper.
"I did too." He Whispers back.
"Goodnight." I mumble between a yawn
"Goodnight piccola." He whispers then kisses my forehead.

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