Chapter seven || Dimmi le tue verità

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First person://

My eyes narrow to the road. Damiano drives recklessly down the highway. I heave feeling my chest cave in and out. Damiano immediately recognizes the distress on my face and squeezes my thigh. I open my mouth to speak, my throat feels dry and I begin to tremble. I'm in complete denial.

I have to admit there was a point I wanted to murder her too, I thought all the frustration and pain would stop. Obviously I couldn't do that so I found a new way to shut everything out.

I rub the red mark on my face from when he smacked my mouth shut earlier.

"I'm sorry I hurt you amour mio." He says in remorse.

"You didn't, It's fine." I lie.
"We just couldn't get caught," He begins.
"Timothèe already wants to get rid of me if he knew I hit his girlfriend..."

He was right. If Timothèe found out Elena was hit by us he'd have money over Damiano's head. He'd stop at nothing to have him dead. "When I want something, I get it." His words ring in my head sending goosebumps up my arm.

"I know you didn't want to see that..." he sympathizes.

My eyes suddenly fill with tears. Flashbacks of blood make me breathe uneasily.

"I promise I won't let him hurt you." He assures.

But that's not what I'm worried about. I look out the window grappling my wrist as a coping mechanism. I close my eyes taking in the warm breeze from outside ignoring my thoughts. The sunlight hits my golden brown eyes.

"You're so beautiful." Damiano smiles.

My expression remains sullen.
I light a cigarette and inhale it deeply.

"Bella you haven't eaten anything today." He speaks.

I shrug then place the cigarette between his lips.

"I just don't have much of an appetite know." I reply.

Damiano turns up the radio and I immediately recognize his voice.

"I haven't heard this one before." I say.
"Well it's something we just started working on, it's about you..." He answers.

Ma Coraline non vuole mangiare
Sì, Coraline Vorrebbe sparire
E Coraline piange
Coraline ha l'ansia
Coraline vuole il mare ma ha paura dell'acqua
E forse il mare è dentro di lei
E ogni parola è un'ascia
Un taglio sulla schiena
Come una zattera che naviga in un fiume in piena
E forse il fiume è dentro di lei, di lei

My heart pounds. "no no this can't be happening, it doesn't mean anything..." I try to convince myself.
There has to be another meaning I feel nauseous and my head pounds. "Nobody knows." "He can't know..."

He knows...

"Damiano I have to use the bathroom we have to pull over." I insists.

He frowns but doesn't make a sound.

"How long?" His voice breaks.
"It's not what you think-" I chime in.
"How long..." He demands.
"It's not that big of a deal-"

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