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Steve's POV

-i let out a yawn as my annoying alarm went off, pressing the dumb thing so it would shut up, after a little bit I heard the phone ringing down stairs. I ignored it because nobody should be calling at 6:30 in the morning but they just kept calling, so against my own will I slipped out of my large bed and made my way out of my room quietly walking down stairs I reached the phone and picked up. "Sorry not interested in buy-" I mumbled into the phone only to be cut off by the screaming of a small curly headed boy I thought of as a little brother "STEVE" he shouted as I raised a brow, motherly instincts kicking "What's up bud? Why ya calling this early? what happened?" I hummed as I spoke, he sounded happy but distressed but I wanted to him calm down a little. "HEY HEY, ITS CRAZY. MAX SAID THAT BILLY WANTS TO HANG OUT WITH US TODAY!" The boy screamed once again as I ran my hand threw my hair then let it fall back into my face a small sigh escaping my lips. "alright just tell them to make sure their at my house by 10 am, no later I'm starting movies at 10. Now run along I have to go pick some stuff up" I mumbled, I didn't have to go anywhere I just really didn't wanna be on the phone right now "Alright bye bye Steve!" The boy giggled before hanging up, my eyes scanning the room as I set the phone back on its post another sigh escaping my lips. I believe Billy is a good kid but he has a lot of attitude and is commonly mean to the kids so I would have to watch him extra close today to make sure he didn't do anything to the children. Maybe I'll even have him help me cook for them, I know about Billy's situation at home because he is always over here in the middle of the night with black eyes or bleeding profusely. He doesn't tell me why but Max did, that's I how I learned
I thought to myself as I made my way back up the stairs and into my room grabbing a loose blue sweater and some grey sweat pants along with a pair of boxers and a towel, Grabbing everything I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower waiting for it to warm up then stripping and getting in. Laying my head back against the wall as the water hit me humming softly I pulled out my shampoo and conditioner then started to wash my hair, carefully putting certain amounts then washing up with a Blue berry scented body wash. After a little I stepped out of the shower and dried off then got dressed fixing my hair with my spray then walking out of the bathroom, Looking at the time it said 9:25. I hummed as I grabbed my keys and made my way out the door and into my car, after a moment or so I turned onto Dustin's street and waited for him to come out. Then I picked up Lucas, Then Mike, Then Will, And Last was El. I pulled back up into my driveway and saw Billy's infamous Camaro sitting in my driveway, Max had a spare key so I knew they were already inside. I stopped the car and got out leading my small herd of children inside, my eyes scanning the house as I searched for the ginger and the blonde. My eyes fixated on the ginger who came from the bathroom before my glare lurked around the rest of the house searching for the blonde only to be scared out of my wits feeling a hand on my shoulder. "Looking for someone? God I knew you couldn't resist this pretty face" The blonde smirked as my face flushed red a bit "Awe cat got your tongue?" He chuckled before walking over to the kids and sat down.

682 words

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