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Eddie had come home from work only to hear a faint 'meow' from under the trailer. He all but crawled under it to get the cat he knew was under it. He was so excited when he was finally able to get the cat. He was especially excited to show you, hoping you were a cat person. He held the cat to his face and kept moving so the cat would face him. "Okay, Cat, be as cute as possible. I'm gonna show you to my girlfriend and we both need a 'yes' on this one," He whispered to it.

The cat very vaguely 'nodded' and he went into the trailer. "Hey babe! Look who I found under the trailer." He said loudly, causing you to pick your head up from your book. You stared at him from your spot on the couch before answering. "... Dustin?""What? No- Why?" Eddie faltered, trying to figure out what you were trying to connect.

"Kids obsessed," You shrugged. "No. I found a cat." Eddie told you. You shot up, throwing your book down without a bookmark. "Oh my goodness gracious a cat!" You said happily, going over to your boyfriend to pet it. Eddie smiled proudly. "Yeah, cute isn't she?""How do you know it's a she? Did you check?" You asked. Eddie grimaced at the thought. "No, it's just the vibe I got. What do you want me to call the cat? It?" He asked with a fake laugh. "Let's take it to the vet just to make sure first of all and to see if there's a missing cat poster." You suggested, grabbing a jacket and Eddie's keys.

"Also, vaccinations and worms right?" Eddie asked. "Yeah. That too." You said, already out the door. "Can I drive?""Fat chance," Eddie called. "Hold the cat in your seat."

. . .

You and Eddie were nervously waiting in the waiting room for the cat. You were holding onto his arm and curled into the chair and his leg was bouncing like crazy. It's always bouncing but not as fast as it was when you were waiting for the cat. The vet came out with the cat and called you two up. You got up there and the vet smiled at you two. "Okay, first of all your cat is so cute. She's-" The vet started. "Ha! She! I was right," Eddie celebrated, sticking his tongue out at you. You laughed at his reaction. "Eddie, let the vet talk."

He crossed his arms and pointed to the vet. "Right. Sorry, continue."The vet nodded and continued. "Well, she's a very healthy cat and is a very good age to be semi-trained. I'd snatch her up since she's not on the 'missing pets' poster." She informed you. Eddie was nodding along the whole time. "What about, like, the medical stuff? Like vaccinations and sh... stuff." Eddie corrected. "No, just because she's still pretty young. I would bring her in once she hits the one year mark." The vet told him. "She's still a kitten?" You asked. "Yeah.""Huh." You and Eddie let out at the same time. You got your cat back and took her to Eddie's van. He got in and was almost squealing when he saw the cat.

He started the van and started to head in the direction of Petland for stuff for your new cat such as food. "We have a cat!" He said excitedly. "We have a cat!" You responded. "What do you wanna name her?"Eddie was silent for a second before responding. "What about... Bella?" You shrugged. "Meh. How about Charlie?" You suggested. Eddie made a face when you suggested it. "Doesn't do anything. What about Wendy?" He asked hopefully. "Ooo! I like Wendy." You agreed, kissing the cat on the head. "She seems like a Wendy.""Ooo! I like Wendy." You agreed, kissing the cat on the head. "She seems like a Wendy.""Figured." You sighed dramatically. "What color harness should we get her?" You asked. "I was thinking purple."

"Definitely purple." Eddie agreed. "Pink is overdone.""Agreed. Matching leash?" You asked, already envisioning how walking around Hawkins with Eddie and Wendy would probably go. Eddie saying "duh" was all that interrupted your thoughts of a peaceful cold weather walk. "What type of cat food?" You asked. "Dry." Eddie responded quickly. "Wet would probably get everywhere.""Also expensive as all heck." You chimed in, nodding. "Brand?" You asked, scratching Wendy behind the ears when she meowed at you. "Uh... Let the cat decide?" Eddie suggested. "Okay, I'm down." You shrugged, putting Wendy down in front of three separate brands of cat food.

Wendy went straight to one of the bags and immediately started pawing at it. You picked Wendy back up and Eddie threw a bag over his shoulder since it was heavy. "Is Wendy gonna be an outside cat or inside cat?" You asked. Eddie gasped dramatically. "Babe, what kind of question is that? Inside."You shrugged. "Just asking because I grew up in the middle of nowhere and had an outside cat that disappeared after two years." You defended. "Remember Fiona?""... Makes sense." He nodded. "But she's not disappearing on us."You furrowed your eyebrows, thinking about what you and Eddie had just done. "Are we qualified to be pet parents?""No." Eddie said flatly. "But we're doing it anyway because this is probably the closest we're gonna get to having kids.""Oh thank god!" You responded, putting a hand to your heart.
. . .

Eddie had been outside all day and you had no idea what he was up to. Every time you went to check on him he would wave you off. Eventually he came back in and was really excited. "Babe! Look what I made Wendy!" He held up a small flower crown proudly in one hand. "Oh my god cute!" You exclaimed. Wendy looked up from her food bowl at the noise and came over to meow at the two of you. Eddie held up two more flower crowns that could fit the both of you. "The three of us are matching now!""Eddie. That is so cute. C'mere Wendy." He put yours on you and you picked up Wendy. He situated the crown on her carefully and she meowed again. Wendy pawed at it until it fell off. You put her down and she ignored the flower crown. "It's the thought that counts babe." You assured Eddie with a kiss on the cheek.
. . .

You and Eddie were laying in bed quietly doing things when Wendy came into the room. She crawled through Eddies arms and laid on his chest. Eddie kissed the top of Wendy's head and put his new song on the nightstand. You watched the whole thing go down with a smile. "I have never thought I'd be jealous of a cat for cuddling with my boyfriend but here we are," You sighed. "She's stealing the love of my life."Eddie chuckled and started to pet Wendy. "There's enough of me to go around ladies. No need to push."You covered your face with your book and groaned. "Oh my god, shut up.""Quit. You love it." He said, reaching out to you without disrupting your cat. "I do but you're still a weirdo." You told him, turning over to put your book on he ground next to your side of the bed.

"Yeah. I'm Wendy's weirdo." He agreed. "Eddie," You giggled. "Yours too. That was always implied," He mockingly defended. You turned to face him, propping yourself up and resting your head on your hand."We're gonna be great parents."He looked at you slightly taken aback by your statement. "I thought you didn't want kids?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. You smiled gently. "I changed my mind. You'd be a great dad." You complimented, tapping his nose. "Stop, I'm gonna cry." He said, fanning his eyes. You rolled your eyes and smacked his arm. "I was being serious asshole.""I know." Eddie said, disrupting Wendy so he could kiss your cheek before you went to bed.

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