Chapter 1

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There were many things that concerned Will Graham in his career but none of which was a greater concern to him than his dogs. So was he worried when his superior Jack called him in his office during the middle of his lecture? Nope not really. Was he concerned when he was called for again??? Nahhhh

Was he concerned when the said man voice bellowed in the speaker of the whole FBI unit. Ok maybe a little bit but this was Will Graham. The special agent with such gifted ability the FBI had never had. Also known for this cockiness and sassyness. The confident bastard of the FBI and the only one who could taunt Jack Crawford and drive him up the walls.

"Ohhhhh sorry guys the big boss is calling "will said giving out his iconic lazy smile as he packed his notes while the whole class of fresh new FBI intern laughed it off. Will simply waved off and walked out.

Will Graham walked throught the hallways occasionally throwing smiles at the people around him wondering what did he do wrong this time. Did Jack finally found out that it was will who had spilled coffee over his report causing him to redo everything?

.........or did Brian tell him about the severed fingers he had placed in his bag as a prank. Jeause what ever it was Will was already bored before he had even entered the office. He lazily walked into the man's office and abruptly stopped mid way as he saw a figure standing on the office with Jack. The figure was of a slender man with the most georgious features will had ever seen.

The man was dressed in a cultural suit with his high and sharp cheek bones and hair the colour of light blonde and the eyes of most beautiful shades of grey

"Finally you have arrived " Jack bellowed impatiently as the mystery man lurked behind him. Will simply nodded as he fell in the chair infront of Jack.

Jack signed heavily " anyway this is Doctor Hannibal Lecter. He will be with our department for some time as he will be substituting as a teacher."

Will looked over at Hannibal once more and evaluated him. Cultured man his late 30s seems polite and well manner.........possibly gay ? Only one way to find out.

Will graham was not bad looking at all. Infact he was what most considered very handsome man. He had the thicked curled chocolate hair and the deepest brown eyes. He was lean with good built muscles and the deepest southern accent.

Will gave out his best dazzling smile
"Welcome to the department Doctor. You sound very elegant and polite. You must be married right? " he said with his accent and a mischievous wink

"Please call me hannibal Mr Graham. And no unfortunately am not married yet. " a soft and elegant voice of hannibal echoed in wills ears.

"Of course.... hannibal" Will said slowly never breaking their eye contact. After a pause will asked out."can I have your number then ..........for you know some emergencies that may occur."

"Of......of course. " hannibal cleared his throat before giving out his card

"So hannibal" Will said sliding his fingers on the smooth card " would you like to go out for a coffee with me......but I bet no coffee could be sweeter than you " will asked with a sly smile. Hannibal flushed deep red as he stood bewildered.

" I......I am sorry not today .......maybe next time ...." hannibal blurted out and quickly exited the office as will watched his with keen interest

Jack groaned and checked his watch. He owned Beverly 5 dollars as will didn't even manage ten minutes before flirting with the doctor.

Will graham..........the one who would flirts with anything that is attractive and has a pulse.

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