Three - Glimpse Of Us

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-Dahlia Celeste-

3 days earlier, I woke up dizzy, I drank yesterday with my cousins since there was a family reunion, my parents, aunts, and uncles even joined us. It was a chaotic night, for sure.



you coming tonight?

huh? where?

the event from the company?

ohh that
idk if i'm going
i had a crazy night yk

right, ofc
u drunk texted us in the gc
so ure not coming?
u booked ur stylist and etc

might just cancel them
do u want them?

its alrightt but tyy
i already booked mine 2 days ago
r u sure ure not coming? :((
it's ur mom's business

prolly noo

aww ure like the only
person there i can talk to

i'm having these awful
headaches, dk when i'll
get rid of them

u have a point
take some rest bub
byee mwah mwahh

I wish I could go, but at the same time I don't. Those events are boring, Madison brightens it up for me. All I do there is just get introduced to other adults by my mom.

My mom owns a beauty company, Celeste Beauty, simple name but I find it classy. She sells beauty products and also have loads of beauty salons all over the US, she's also planning on putting up beauty salons on other countries too.

I love the interior designs in her beauty salons, it's minimalist with creamy colors, and her lights are warm. It's a good place to stay in, I even suggested her to start a cafe but with the same interior design, but she told me she'll look at the budget first but it was a great idea, she said.

Madison's dad is the company's project manager. Back then, Madison and I would always meet in the building when we were little so we started on hanging out and talk, that's how we got closer back then. Whenever we get bored inside the building, we would always play in my mom's office since it's the largest room inside, we would even get scolded on why we were so loud.

But now, I just threw myself in my bed out of embarrassment after school. I would never do that infront of everyone in class, especially presenting a project, it was so not like me.

Finn Wolfhard huh? He was the reason why I embarrassed myself, but it wasn't his fault, I'm aware, but I have a fucked up head so I assumed it was. I quickly grabbed my phone and searched his name on Instagram, and there it was,
@ finnwoldhardofficial. Why did he even put "official" in his username, celebrities do that, but I'm sure he's not one.

I noticed on his Instagram bio that he put his Twitter account.

twtt: @ finnwolfhard

And yet again, I stalked him on Twitter. Just curious on what a man he's like, then one tweet caught my eyes.

"glimpse of us had me crying. joji, you're the best"

Glimpse Of Us, isn't that the song about being in a new relationship but you see it as your past relationship. Well shit, his future girlfriend won't be happy about that.

Like I said, my thoughts are fucked up and how I'm an attention seeker. I had to tweet about it.

"never date a man that likes glimpse of us."

He won't see it anyways, as if we follow each other. I don't know why, but I'm starting on not liking him, right after that class where I got embarrassed, I glanced at him when I took a seat after presenting, I noticed he was chuckling, I knew right away he was making fun of me. I hated it.

-Finn Wolfhard-

Turns out my friends in NYC were also friends with Madison, so they added me in their group chat a day after the event.


*sent a photo*
hmmm @ Finn

hooooly shit


as if i'll go out w her

watch what ur saying,
she's my bestfriend🤨

well, oops..?

The photo Madison sent was a screenshot of the girl from class earlier.

dilly @ _dahliaclste
never date a man that likes glimpse of us.

I know that tweet wasn't meant for me, we don't even know eachother, plus it's impossible she knows I listen to it.

But her face earlier, I just can stop laughing about it, she literally froze, wide eyes open, she just stared at me. Her face was funny, I just couldn't stop but chuckled when she went back to her seat.


Thirteen Years - Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now