A Sneeze, Detention and Sissy Spacek

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When flu season hits Medford, Sheldon takes extreme measures to remain healthy and ends up in detention 

y/n during this time was sick with the flu, of course she didnt tell sheldon, i mean who would tell sheldon when there sick?


y/n walked through the door of the coopers house

y/n:Hey coopers whats up?

Missy: y/n! she said as she ran up and gave her a hug

y/n: hey missy did ya miss me?

Missy: of course i did

y/n: Do you know where georgie is?

Missy: hes out back

y/n:Thanks missy see you later


y/n walked over outside to Georgie in their garden

Georgie: Hey y/n! wanna sit?

y/n sat down next to Georgie

y/n: is that chewing tobacco?

Georgie: Yea but i think im doing it wrong

y/n: well your asking the wronge person, i wouldnt know how to do it either

y/n: so anyways tell me what happened while i was sick

Georgie: well Sheldon was worried about getting sick at school, so he walked out of class without a hall pass and he has detention tommorrow

y/n: holy shit I didn't know the braniac could be such a bad ass

Sheldon walks out

Sheldon: what are you doing?

Georgie: nothin

Sheldon: is that chewing tobacco?:

Georgie: its chocolate Bazooka, now what do you want?

Sheldon: i have detention tommorrow

y/n: holy shit sheldon when i heard it i didnt believe it when i heard it

Sheldon:i was wondering of you two could give me some tips

Georgie it was pretty baddass of you, walking out of class like that

Sheldon :it was not my intention to be a bad A word  but thank you

y/n: Sheldon the only thing you need to be worried about in detention is staying close to the teacher 

Georgie: yea if he leaves the room you go with him

Sheldon: why?

y/n: cause your gonna get your "A" word kicked

Sheldon: are you saying im going to be in physical danger?

Georgie: its all the worst kids in school for an hour, what do you think is gonna happen?

Sheldon: i thought we were gonna spend the time regretting our actions and thinking about how we could be better in the future

y/n: well you thought wrong, 

Georgie: now get lost

Sheldon: you two are both mean and nice to me its confusing

Sheldon left to go back inside and Georgie and y/n were left alone, Georgie did some more chewing tobacco and of course coughed it back up.

Georgie: i think im doing this wrong

y/n: yea i think you are

y/n then kissed Georgie on the cheek and then they went inside


the next day at school Sheldon walked into the detention room

Sheldon: Hello I'm here for detention, where is the teacher?

Student: not here yet

Sheldon: oh, y/n what are you doing here?

y/n: I forgot to bring in an absence note from all this week 

Sheldon: why were you absent?

y/n: I was sick

Sheldon: oh

All of the detention guys are now looking at him

Sheldon: I have 3 dollars feel free to share it with the others 

Sheldon sat down next to a guy carving his name in a desk

Sheldon: would you prefer a piece of paper I have some in my briefcase

The guy grunted at him and carried on carving his name

Sheldon:  its here if you change your mind

Mr givens: alright losers you know how this works, one hour no talking, no horseplay, Sheldon? 

Sheldon: hello Mr givens

Mr g: what are you doing here?

Sheldon: I didnt want to catch a cold from Ms MacElory so I left her classroom without a hall pass

Mr G: well there is some thing going around,I actually had a little tickle in my throat

Sheldon: ok time to go, nice meeting you.

Mr G: whoa what-what are you doing?

Sheldon: you've heard of fight or flight? This is flight

y/n: that little shit


At the coopers house, George, Mary and Connie were arguing about Sheldon's suspension, and then y/n came over to see Georgie,

y/n:Hi coopers,

Georgie walked out and kissed y/n

y/n: hi Georgie 

Georgie: Hi y/n, lets go into my room

y/n: alright

Georgie and y/n went into his room

Georgie pulled y/n into his arms on his bed

y/n: Did you hear what Sheldon did in detention?

Georgie: Yea i cant believe the little shit actually walked out of detention

y/n: so what did you do without me while i was at detention?

Georgie: i was missing you,

y/n: awww your so cheesy 

Georgie: i know right, he then pulled her into a kiss, one that lasted a while


the next day before y/n, georgie and missy went to school, mary went out to try find sheldon, but she found that sheldon turned the garage into a place where he could isolate from everyone


ok I'm finished, this took me forever but i hope you guys like it, again if i made any spelling mistakes/errors please tell me, and holy shit over 100 reads! thank you guys so much im actually so happy, and this story has 783 words 


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