A Proposal and a Popsicle Stick Cross

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Just realised the title of this chapter has nothing to do with this actual chapter but anyway I just wanted to quickly say this chapter contains mentions of alcohol and alcohol abuse if any of you readers are affected by that.

"WELL MAYBE IF YOU STOPPED DRINKING I WOULDNT ALWAYS HAVE TO STAY OVER AT HIS HOUSE, HIS FAMILY HAVE BEEN MORE LIKE A FAMILY TO ME THEN YOU TWO WILL EVER BE" I shouted as I left the house, I didnt even have anything with me, Oh God what am I going to do I didnt think this through at all, Mary, that's what I'll do, I'll go talk to Mary she always knows what to say. I walked all the way to the church and walked in the door and to the office, to see pastor Jeff at the front desk? Where was peggy? "Hey pastor Jeff I was just wonderin, is Mary around?" I asked him. "Oh yes, shes just in her office, Is everything okay?" He asked me. "Yea, I just have to ask her something is all" and with that I walked in her office.

"Hey Mary um, could I talk to you?" I asked her walking into her office, "Oh yes Y/n is everything okay?" And with that i just broke down into tears since I had it all peant up for so long, "Oh dear, come here" And she hugged me, her hugs were always the best. "What's after happening dear?" She asked sitting down, signalling me to sit down next to her.

"Well um, my moms boyfriend, he um he has a drinking problem, and today he was really, like really really drunk, and he came into the house, started saying stuff about me, insulting me, saying just all sorts of things about me, and when I tried to just ignore him and walk away, he tried to like, grab me? If that makes sense, and started saying stuff about your family then and how I shouldnt have a boyfriend and just all these things and I couldn't take it so I just left" I said, it felt amazing to just get that all of my chest. "Oh my lord, look how about you stay at our house for a bit, properly this time, for a few days until it all blows over?" She suggested. "Yea okay, thank you so much"

        time skip

"Hi Mary" I said, walking through the door of the cooper house, "Hey there, you okay?" She asked me, "Yeah, I'm okay, I just wanted to say thanks again for letting me stay he-" I was saying but got cut off "Oh hey Y/n, I'll take you bag to my room, cmon, sorry for the mess of the room in advance"

I walked into his room with him to see that he had cleaned his room for I'd say the first time in his life, "Did you really clean your room just for me huh?" I asked him. "Yes, I wanted yo- hey are you cryin? What's wrong?" He asked me, "No, no I'm fine it's just staying over here, feels different this time you know?" "Hey come here it's okay" He said pulling me in for a hug but we were interrupted by Sheldon of course 

"Why are you crying?" He asked me, stepping into the room. "Did Georgie bring up your unfortunate home life?" "Uh, no" I replied inbetween sniffels. "Good, my mom said not to so that you would be comfortable" He said, "Thank you Sheldon" " Are you comfortable?" He asked me, "I am, very much so" I said back. "Good"

        time skip (after dinner)

It was after dinner now, I was sitting down on the bed with Georgie, we weren't talking but that was fine, until I heard Sheldom knocking on the door in his very unusual knocking style. "Hi Sheldon what's up?" I asked him as he came in. "Get out" Georgie snapped, "Leave him alone," I snapped back at him, "Are you alright?" 

"I printed out my bathroom schedule for you, I cant speak for anyone else in this family but you can count on it being occupied during these times" He said, he really was an odd child, "Thank you, it's not like I already knew anyway" I said, but instead of him leaving he just stood there for a few seconds, "Is there anything else?" I asked him. "There is, but I'm not allowed to ask about it" I think I know where this is going. "Oh, it's okay Sheldon, you can ask me anything" I told him, "You sure?" Gorgie asked me, "Yes it's fine"

"Oh good, I dont like cats but i do share their curious nature" He said, "Well what do you want to know?" I asked, even though I know what he was going to ask. "Your mom has a boyfriend?" He asked, "Yes", "Well wheres your father?" "He moved out a while back to be with another woman" "Well why are you staying here" "My moms boyfriend isn't very nice" "I understand, Missy isnt very nice either" He said, "So you get it?" I asked, even though I dont think he did. "I do, thank you" oh he definitely didnt get it. "Well, I'll talk to you later" I told him, "But not between 7 and 7.12" He said walking out,"Thank you already knew that."

        next morning

After I had breakfast and got ready the next morning, I decided to hell Mary around the house, just with small stuff like laundry, "Hey, what you doing?" Georgie asked me, clearly I was doing laundry, I swear that boy is oblivious some times, still love him though. "Helping your mom with laundry" I said, "Oh yea, that's usually my job" He said, following me out of the bathroom, "Well why dont you do it?" I sneered at him. "Hey, when your done do you wanna go to the mall and hang like old times " Georgie asked, "Oh, Georgie, I really would love to, but I promised Nissy I'd take her out for some girl time" I replied, I really did feel bad. "Maybe I could come along?" He asked, boy he was really oblivious, "Then it wouldnt be girl time would it?" I told him, "No, not entirely, but it would be mostly" He said, I swear to God be needs to take a hint. "Take a hint dummy" Missy chimed in from the couch.

        after girl time

The bell rang after we finished dinner, and me being the good guest I went and got it, "I'll get it Mary" I shouted to the kit when and I opened the door, and you'll never guess who it was, "What do you want?" I asked my moms boyfriend, I cant believe he even showed up here. "Grab your stuff,, your mama wants you home" He said, "Yea, well, when she wants me to come home she can call me", "Damn it Y/n, I'm in no mood, now cmon" "What's going on here" Georgie asked walking into the conversation. "I'm taking her home" He said, "Shes not going anywhere with you" Georgie replied, gotta love a protective boyfriend, "Whatd you say?" He asked, grabbing Georgie by his shirt and lifting him up a little. "Stop it, put him down" I shouted at him.

"Mind putting down my kid?" George asked, walking  over. "We were just playing around" "Um, this is my moms boyfriend, Clive" I said quickly, hoping he would just go away. "Hello Clive, what came we do for you?" George asked, "I'm here to pick up Y/n, come on" He replied, I hoped to God I wouldnt have to go with him. "You want to go with this man" George asked me, "No, I dont" I said, hoping that would be enough for him to take the hint and leave. "You heard her, tha is for stopping by" George said, trying to close the door, but Clive stopped him, "You really wanna mess with me?" Clive asked, trying too seem threatening, but he really wasnt, "Sure, why not?" Georgeasked and punched him in the face. 

A/N: hey guys omg, love this chapter but also lowkey hate it, it was also so hard to write, I think I rewrote it about 3 times but yes, I hope you guys also like this style of writing, I know it's different from the start of this book but I still hope you like it, please tell me other wise, and I hope you guys are okay with me giving Veronica's story line to you, just because it's so much easier then trying to write this around her and yea, thanks for nearly 30k read jeez, love you guys 

-jen x

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