Potato Salad, A Broomstick and Dad's Whiskey

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-at the church potluck, Mary, George, connie,Georgie,sheldon and y/n where at a table while missy was off dancing to the music that was playing

Mary: well I am happy to report that my potato salad is once again the hit of the potluck

Y/N: that's great Mary, your potato salad has always been my favourite

Mary: thank you y/n!

Georgie: you know you don't have to be nice to her just cus were dating right?

Y/N: well Georgie I like to be nice , and your mom is like a second mom to me since I don't see mine that often

Mary: awww Y/N you don't know how much that means, well anyways, I feel bad for Pam Staples, no ones eating her potato salad

Sheldon: well if you feel bad then why are you smiling?

Connie: cus sometimes your mommy's a big ol' hypocrite!

Pastor Jeff walks over to the table

PJ: Howdy Coopers- Oh and who are you I don't believe we've met

Y/N: Hi I'm Y/N Y/L/N I was invited by Georgie

PJ: Ah ain't that nice, anyways, y'all remember my wife Selena?

Connie: Hi Selena

Selena: Que tal?

(ok yall so idk spanish since i chose german at school so i do apolagise if i get anything wronge since im just going with the subtitles from the tv show)

Georgie: Your married to her?

PJ: Why yes i am

George: (quietly to georgie) you can think it- but you dont need to say it

Mary: So how are you liking Medford Selena?

PJ: Como te gusta Medford?

Selena: (in Spanish) I've never been so bored in my entire life.

PJ: She likes it fine

 Y/N: (quietly to Georgie) that's not what she's saying at all

Georgie: Really? Tell me later

Mary: Oh

Selena: (in Spanish) I'm going to go smoke in the bathroom

PJ: She needs to use the little girls room, Mary could I talk to you for a sec?

Mary: Sure

PJ: don't worry ill bring her right back

George: wasn't worried but ok

Sheldon: his Spanish is terrible that's not what she said at all

Y/N: she said she's never been so bored in her life in Medford and now she's gone for a smoke in the bathroom

Connie: Oh my god really?

Georgie: I knew she was too hot for him

georgie cooper imagines (Georgie x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now