ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9 - ᴄᴏɴꜱɪᴅᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏɴᴠɪɴᴄɪɴɢ

319 12 7

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Valentine ∞ ↺


It was currently early in the morning for me and I was in a phone call with Shuichi "ok I give up, I am having a bit of a crisis right now"

I raised my brow, leaning more on the balcony railings with a smirk on my face "oh really now?" I cooed, teasing Shuichi a little, "shut up and hear me out..." I chuckled and let out a hum before taking a sip of my coffee.

"So you know how I had to move mid-college because of me moving countries?"


"well...I kinda...um..uh" he keeps stopping his sentence. is it that bad that he can't even tell me? not like I would judge...maybe "just spit it out already" 

"ok fine, I'm kinda sorta just a little bit maybe crushing on two...people...?" 

I stood there processing what he just said, two people?? really??? "Who are they?" I was really curious, he doesn't really go through these things a lot so it's a piece of new information to me "well you already know one since he's in the gc which is kokichi and the other one is kaede.." kokichi huh? I didn't know he liked mischievous little trouble makers.

"well for sure yeah but I think I saw Kaede comment on one of Miu's posts if I'm not wrong?" he let out a hum indicating I was right "don't worry Shu, I'll be here when you need help" it was silent for a bit until I hear chuckling on the other line. what was he laughing about? I'm being serious here.

"yeah like I can go to your house every time I need help" I groaned knowing where this conversation is gonna go. "I mean as in just calling me, Shu"

"suree" if he was here it would be so nice to punch him in the face...again. "but seriously Hajime, it's been months and I'm honestly starting to miss you, heck you haven't even seen Makoto since both of your graduation" he did have a point AND it's starting to get lonely here, I've been talking a lot with Chiaki and Nagito but I do miss the days being able to hang out with Shu and Makoto.

Playing chess with Shuichi was one of my favorite things to do. oh and how could I forget, Chiaki lives in Paris too..maybe I can even surprise her and finally get to meet the friend group and..Nagito.

I paused for a second. why am I separating Nagito like he's special from the others? I shake my head trying to get it out of my thoughts. we're both friends, really good ones so I guess I'm just excited? Yeah..that.

"Hajimee??" my eyes widened from the sudden voice which startled me, did I zone out? "I've been calling your name but you were quiet for the past few minutes, are you ok?"

"huh? Oh, yeah sorry, zoned out a bit" I laughed softly "uh-huh sure, you were considering it weren't you" I let out a scoff knowing he was right "you know Hajime, there really isn't any harm in moving, what's making you stop anyway?" I opened my mouth but nothing came out. he was right. what's stopping me? absolutely nothing at all so..why am I even against in moving, I can even finally meet Chiaki after 5 years.

I finally let out a sigh of defeat and smiled "Ok Shu.. this is not for certain but I might end up moving after all" I was taken aback from Shuichi's celebration which caused me to giggle a little bit.

"Oh jesus fucking christ, I wonder when will you actually decide to FINALLY move here"

"I think I might be a 100% sure so maybe first help me out with apartments..?" I asked, a bit clueless when it comes to this parts "Oh we can worry about that soon, you can live with me for a bit and we can immediately search apartment for you"

Well, at least I'm not gonna be living on the streets.

Well, at least I'm not gonna be living on the streets

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It might happen 😳
💬32       ↱↲79       ♡︎125
> Amami
ur mom
> 𓆩Chiakii𓆪
I feel like there's some lore I need to know about 🤨
> Shu
no you dont wym

"Hey Hajime" someone called out from my phone. I didn't expect Shu and I to be on the phone for an entire day, especially since he pulled an all-nighter for no reason at all. "Yeah?" I simply replied, still preparing dinner for myself. "Makoto wants to call with us, want to hop in the gc?" I hummed for a reply and he hung up.

I noticed the gc had already started the call, so I turned off the stove and grabbed my phone, joining the call with my camera open because they had theirs open. "SHUU, HAJII!!" Makoto screamed, making Shuichi wince because he was wearing earphones, and I just laughed at them. "Hajii, I heard the news, will you go?!?!?" he's sounds so excited and for what? I laughed softly at my own thoughts, there's nothing special about me moving anyway.

"not for certain but it will most likely happen but I'm still considering"

he whined "oh shut up" I rolled my eyes as I placed down my phone on my phone stand as I opened the stove to continue preparing my dinner. "ok but if you were to actually move, when would you??" 

"Before December"

"fast response" Shu teased "whatt, I like the thought of spending Christmas and new years with friends" I was slightly startled when I heard a loud clap coming from the call "AND it's your birthday right after new years as well!" Makoto exclaimed. He's not entirely wrong, but since my birthday is at the beginning of the year, I don't mind if they don't do anything for me.

At this point, I had finished preparing my dinner, I placed it on the plate, and then looked at my phone, saying "I'm going to go off now, I'm going to eat dinner, see you two." all said their goodbyes and ended the call. I took my phone and the plate and began walking toward my room.

I closed the door behind me and placed the food on my desk, as soon as I sat down I started eating leaving with me and my thoughts. 

I still do wonder why in the world are they so persistent with me moving, it's nothing special, that's what I kept on telling myself the past few months. now looking back at it, I look stupid now, always disagreeing and now I'm ACTUALLY considering it...this is great, just great.

My thoughts during Shuichi and I's conversation suddenly popped up in my mind. "he did have a point AND it's starting to get lonely here, I've been talking a lot with Chiaki and Nagito but I do miss the days being able to hang out with Shu and Makoto." I sat there, paused while thinking deeply. 

you know fucking what, fine. I'll fucking move then. 

I reached for my phone, about to text Shuichi my final decision, but I paused for a moment. Is this moving too quickly? Should I tell him right away? I sighed and put down my phone, deciding to tell him a week later to keep it a surprise. But when should I move? When I looked at my calendar, it was halfway through the second week of August.

ok then..I'll tell him in a week and I'll move there by September.I smiled and continued eating my meal, sighing contentedly.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -

School starting on Mondayy yayyyyy

I honestly didn't expect for myself to update right after 3 days


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