That was fun

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Beatrice's POV

I wake up this morning to fucking birds chirping outside of Sams apartment. The cacophony of natures torment is accompanied by the bin mans song. Rubbish bins and peoples waste being thrown around to make as much noise as possible. I rub my eyes and feel like a vampire in the sun which is shining through the curtains. I have a headache because of all the wine I drank and feel like death itself. I roll over to shield my eyes and see two paracetamol which has a glass of water and a note. I sit up so I don't choke and take the medicine. I take a moment for myself to collect my thoughts because my brain isn't working properly. I grab the note and open it.

Hello Beatrice,

You were out cold pretty quickly. We haven't removed the draw you set up for yourself without mentioning it to us so help yourself. Feel free to stay here as long as you need but do eventually leave. As much as I love you, you have your own home. James should be making something to eat so don't be afraid to ask.

Sam x

Well then. At least he didn't remove my draw. I decide to compose myself and wash my face. As the cold water hits my face I remember George's abrupt mentioning that I'm meeting the parents tonight. Well this should be a breeze. The quicker it's over then the the quicker I can stop seeing the man who makes my skin crawl. At least his brother would be there. It should make for good entertainment.

I dry my face and walk to the kitchen to try and fill my stomach. I see James with shorts on and an eight pack on show. He always looks so good even in the god damn morning.

"Good morning sleeping beauty."  He says with a smile and a mixing bowl in his arm.

"You're chirpy." I say in response.

"I love mornings." He says filling up a glass of water and handing it to me.

"I know. Thanks." I say glancing at the cup. "Pancakes?"

"No it's this new gourmet porridge that you bake. It's got all kind of good stuff for the body and clears out your digestive system really well." He says still stirring with a malicious smirk plastered on his gorgeously freckled face.

"I'm good thanks." I laugh. He bakes all kinds of healthy things that taste as bland as anything and give me terrible Toiletry problems. He knows this too. Ever since I told him he makes an effort to make it whenever I'm around.

"Lucky I never offered it to you Beatrice." He says laughing as I leave the room.

I grab some of Sam's clothes. Luckily he owns some of the nicest clothes ever. I throw the dress I was wearing into the washing machine and kiss James on the cheek to say goodbye. I catch a cab in the over sized hoodie and shorts I'm wearing to go home. I need to get ready for this meet the parents and have a shower. 

The following evening 

I grab my bag and brush my dress off stressing because I'm already late. I was so tired I had a nap and forgot to get ready so I'm rushing around like a headless chicken. If all goes well then he will propose tonight. Men like this are predictable. His brother will agitate him or his father will make him feel inferior so he will make a rash decision, not think and propose. The next thing you know I've moved in, we're married and I take the majority of his life savings. Suddenly, my phone rings and I look to see Sam calling me.

"Bitch you took my favourite hoodie. If it comes back stained or has shrunk in the wash then I will take my perfect self right over to another client. I mean it Beatrice."

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