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The next day, Gru woke up refreshed. After is encounter with the mystery man, he made it his mission to find him.

"Hey Gru, what's got you so happy this morning" Gru's middle daughter, Edith, asks. Gru hums happily and puts a pancake on her plate. "Oh nothing, just gonna find my one true love"

All three girls spit out their breakfast "What!?" they say at the same time. "Yep, i'm going on search to find my soulmate" The bald man says, a dreamy look in his eyes.

"Well good luck then" his youngest, Agnes, says. Gru takes his keys and before he closes the door, turns to his children. "Thank you, and minions, look after the kids"

Stuart, Kevin and Bob appear "Okay!" Kevin says. Gru gives them a wink and heads out the door to his sweet ride. He puts the key in the car and starts the engine, he then puts on some sick tunes

Tuning the radio he finds his favourite song playing, Look Good by Queen Cheryl. He starts driving while singing along to his music "I know i look good, go look in the mirror" he sings like and angel

Gru stops his car at Starbucks cafe, and gets out to get his daily caramel macchiato. While eating in the queue, he looks over to the side to see.....him. Mystery man

He was sitting at a table sipping a caramel macchiato, Gru's favourite 'we must be soulmates' he thought. Still staring at the red man. He didn't even know it was his turn at the counter. "Excuse me sir, are you ready to order?" the lady at the counter asks

For a second, the man looks up and makes eye contact with Gru. But before he could look at the other bald man, Gru faces back to the lady at the counter and orders his starbies. He quickly pays and walks past the man, trying not to look at his gorgeous face.

"Hey you" the red man says to Gru. The other bald man turns quickly to him "M-me?" he stutters, pointing to himself. Red man rolls his gorgeous, dark orbs "Yes you, come here" he pats the seat next to him

Gru complies and sits next to him, he fidgets with his hands and starts blushing. "You're that man from the street right" Veiny man asks, Gru gulps nervously and rubs his sweaty hands together 'get a grip Gru, he's way out of your league'

"Yes i am" Gru says. Red man flashes dazzling smile, his pearly white teeth blinding Gru's eyes. "I'm Vecna, and you are..." The bald man widens his eyes "o-oh i'm Gru" he says

Vecna starts packing his stuff away "We'll it was nice to meet you Gru" he says, and sends Gru a wink before walking out of Starbucks. Gru sat there dumbfounded 'did hot, red man actually talk to me!?' he thought

However he was pulled out of his daydream when his name was called for his drink. Gru rushes over to the counter, collects his drink, and gets into his car, excited for the rest of the day.



the picture at the top is to help you imagine what Vecna looks like drinking a coffee

idk why but i was giggling so much writing this-

anyway have a good day/night <33

My villain 💗 - Gru x Vecna Where stories live. Discover now