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It was around 9:00pm and Gru was putting his children to bed, he pulls the covers over Agnes and gives her a kiss on the forehead "Goodnight gorls" he whispers and walks out of the room

When he turns the corner he sees Vecna leaning up against the wall "You're a great father" He says with a smile. Gru returns then smile "Thank you, i try to give them the best possible life they can have"

Vecna's smile falters "I wish my family was a nice as this" Gru frowns and gives Vecna a hug, which red man happily returns "It's okay Vecna" he pulls away and gives him a peck on the lips "You can be a part of our family now"

Vecna's eyes widen "Wait really?" he says, tears glossing his eyes. Gru laughs "Of course" he pulls a flower out of his pocket "Vecna Creel, can i be your boyfriend?" Instead of replying Vecna grabs Gru's face and kisses him passionately

After a minute they both pull away to catch their breaths. Gru places his forehead onto Vecna's "Is that a yes" Vecna laughs "Yes it's a yes" Gru laughs and pulls him to his bedroom where they had a nice time sleeping :)

The next day, Vecna and Gru are up making breakfast for the girls. Vecna is standing in front of the stove, making some pancakes. Gru comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist, giving him a back hug.

"Are you nervous about telling them our relationship?" Vecna asks. Gru huffs "No, i know they'll support us" Vecna smiles, "that's great, now get off me so i can finish this" He pushes Gru away, Gru pouts and goes back to preparing drinks

After 10 minutes the food was ready and the girls came down to eat it. "This looks amazing Vecna!" Margot says, already eating her food. "Yea this looks great, thank you!" Edith says. Vecna smiles warmly "You're welcome"

He sits down at the table, Gru sitting next to him. Gru grabs Vecna's hand a gives a squeeze, trying to reassure him that it's going to be fine "Actually, me and you're father need to tell you something" The girls stop eating and look at them both. Vecna glances at Gru to get him to finish

"Vecna and I are now official" He says. The girls smile and congratulate them both. "I cant wait for you to be our dad!" Agnes says. Vecna blushes "O-oh well-" but Gru cuts him off  "He's not your dad, not yet at least"

The girls squeal in excitement while Vecna continues to blush like crazy, even though they couldn't see it. While the girls chatted, Gru turns to his new boyfriend "How do you feel?" Vecna looks at him lovingly "Amazing" he says giving Gru a kiss on the lips

And with that, Gru, Vecna and his girls lived a happy life together in their lovely house

The end


and...we're done ‼️

they finally got their happy ending 🤭

don't take this story out of your library yet- i might have another chapter coming up soon, just wait 😍

anyway have a great day/night <33

My villain 💗 - Gru x Vecna Where stories live. Discover now