11 - wedding part 3

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Vecna runs out of the hall, into the rain. He runs and runs until he finds a bench in a nearby park. Sitting on the bench was an old lady. He sits down next to her with a sigh "What's the matter dearie?"
she asks

Her calm voice soothing him for a second "I've just found out my husband has been cheating on me on the day of my wedding" A tear rolls down his veiny cheek "Oh sweetie it's okay" she puts a hand on his

He smiles at her "I thought we were soulmates" she hums "Are your sure it wasn't a misunderstanding?" she says. Vecna laughs sadly "I don't think so" The old lady hums again "Why don't you talk to your husband? Maybe he'll tell you his side of the story"

Vecna sits for a moment, thinking. After a minute he gets up and faces the lady again "You're right! Thank you!" The lady nods "What's your name?" She smiles "Phoebe" he smiles "Thank you Phoebe-"

He was cut off by his friends running up to him with umbrellas"Vecna! What are you doing in the rain?" El asks. Vecna looks down and realises he was soaking wet from the rain "Oh, i was just talking to-" he turns around and Phoebe was gone

"Talking to who?" Maira says "No one" Vecna says "Are you ready to go back inside?" Jeyda asks. Vecna nods and takes an umbrella "Yes, and i'm ready to talk to Gru" he says. They all nod and walk back into the hall

Gru was waiting by the alter, again, for his his husband to come back. The doors open and Gru immediately walks over to the group "Vecna! I'm so sorry!" He says. Vecna smiles a little "It's okay, i'm ready to talk to you" They walk away and go into one of the doors

When they are alone, Gru explains everything. From Lucy visiting him before the wedding, and her kissing him out of spite. Luckily, Vecna believed him and they decided to continue the wedding

All the guests were waiting, waiting for the couple to make up. Then, they both appear hand in hand, saying they want to commence the wedding. They all cheer as the couple walk up to the alter for the second time

"Now, i announce you, husband and husband!" The Priest says. The two share a loving kiss and applause from the guests fill the room. Alaina wipes a tear from her eye, she looks over to Jeyda to see her full on sobbing

El and Maira smile and congratulate the couple when they part. "Before we get the party started" Gru starts "There's something we need to take care of first" He takes Vecna's hand and takes him out of the hall

They stand in the now dry field, waiting for a certain someone to appear. "Gru! I knew you'd come to your senses-" Lucy says, but is cut off by Vecna "No, we've come to teach you a lesson" He raises his hand and Lucy starts floating in the air. He twists his hand around and

*CRACK* her bones crumple and she falls to the floor, lifeless. The couple smile and head to their after party



lucy finally got what she deserved 😍

hopefully you guys are excited for the party 🤭

anyway have a great day/night <33

My villain 💗 - Gru x Vecna Where stories live. Discover now