Chapter 10 - Free at last

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Draco's PoV:

I'd searched the entire castle for Blaise but he must be moving about too and I kept missing him. By the time it was nearing dinner time I decided to skip and go work on the cabinet in the Room of Requirement as I hadn't made nearly enough progress.

I'd hopefully see Blaise in the common room later anyway, so there was no point continuing to try and track him down.

The cabinet was surrounded by piles of random bits and bobs, and I couldn't help but think there must be some really valuable items in here. This was Hogwarts after all.

"Fucking hell," I grumbled as I eyed the shabby cabinet. It was nowhere near working and I was running out of time.

I rolled up my sleeves, using my wand to dust the cabinet using a spell, and by the time I was done it was looking a little less dilapidated.

"It's starting to look less like drift wood," I heard Blaise's voice behind me and saw him strutting over to me past piles of junk.

"I've been looking for you," I said exasperated, both annoyed and greatful for his sudden appearance.

"Oh? Whys that? Did Pansy do something?" He asked and I shook my head. Truthfully i hadn't seen Pansy in a while now that she didn't flock around me like a seagull. Can't say I missed it but I was intrigued to see what kind of person she was without the psychotic side.

"No its about the bet," I answered and Blaise raised an eyebrow at me as he took a seat on the floor, leaning back against a glass cabinet.

"Oh? Succeeded finally have you?" He asked, intrigued.

"Not exactly," I chuckled, and this seemed to peak his curiosity even more. I took a seat sat next to him, taking a deep breath before filling him in.

"I like her," I admitted, not looking at Blaise, worried for his reaction.

"No shit Sherlock!" Blaise laughed and this time I did look at him as he continued to laugh heartily.

"What do you mean?" I inquired, a little confused as to how he could know when I only just realised myself.

"Draco, you spend almost all your spare time with her. You talk about her non stop. You haven't slept with or even looked at another girl in months, and lastly, if you really wanted to just bed her, you would have already," Blaise pointed out, smirking as my eyes widened when I realised he was right. I suppose it had been bloody obvious all along. Just not to me.

"Oh.....well......yeah I do. I really like her man, and that's why I want...." I started before Blaise cut me off.

"Bet's off dude. I said from the start you didn't lose if you fell in love with her," he said and I pondered the idea over in my head. Love? Did I love Cass? I'd never really given in much thought. I wasn't entirely sure how to love but I felt strongly for her.

No, I don't think I was ready to say I loved her, at least, not before I was sure I knew what I was feeling.

"You were right all along Blaise. About Cass and I," I chuckled, realising he had called the shots long before i realised the truth, and I had an inkling that the entire bet was just a ploy to get Cass and I to see it too.

"You're pretty crafty ya know?" I said and he shrugged innocently.

"I'm good man, what can I say? I knew all that hatred was just covering up for some sort of weird sexual attraction between you two. I don't doubt you both hated each other but more for the fact that you challenged each other. You were something she was convinced she didn't want and you were convinced she was something you couldn't have," he said and I looked at Blaise amazed. He really didn't get enough credit for how intuitive he was. He was always right on the money with these types of things.

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