Chapter 34 ~ To fight or not to fight

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Cass' POV:

It took another five days for Draco and I to be ready to return to Hogwarts, and not just because we wanted alone time in my room.

Truthfully, neither of us wanted to return at all but knew we would lose our grades and our job opportunities if we didn't and we both needed what we could get.

Once we finally settled back at Hogwarts we chose to live together, seeing as i spent most of my nights with Draco anyway, and Snape owed the Malfoys a favour anyway.

Of course, it did mean now we had easier access to each other which meant we had missed a couple early morning classes.

Luna had managed to get back to Hogwarts safely much to Nevilles delight but she mostly kept to herself with the other students hiding out in the Room of Requirement where they were taking refuge from the Carrow twins.

Draco and I were safe cause of his family, and Blaise vouched for Amy but everyone else outside of Slytherin was suffering and so i snuck them food and supplies when i could.

It was on one such delivery that Neville was nowhere to he found which was odd.

"Hey Luna, any sign of Neville?" I asked her as she sat playing with her patronus.

"He got a message from Aberforth, not sure what about," Luna replied and I thanked her and walked over to the painting that hid the tunnel between Hogsmead and Hogswarts.

"Neville?" I called into the tunnel with no response but i did hesr some distant footsteps.

Before long, i saw Nevilles face appear round a bend and some figures behind him. I moved out the way as Neville reached the painting and addressed the room.

"Hey everyone! I think you're going to want to see this!" He called out and a crowd formed.

Neville moved aside to reveal Harry, Hermione and Ron as they stepped out the tunnel to applause.

"Harry!" Ginny cried as she flung herself into his arms.

"I'm her bloody brother," Ron grumbled and i laughed at him.

"Good to see you Ron!" I said with a wide smile as i pulled him into a hug.

"And Hermione, im glad you're ok now," i spoke as i pulled her into a hug too.

" are you alive?" She asked, clearly gobsmacked.

"Long story, I'll fill you in later, i guess you're here for something?" I asked and this time Harry butted in. I didn't know how to feel abkut Harry now i had all my memories. There was still a resentment there from what he had done to Draco but with time i realised it was an accident and Harry had been there for me in many other situations.

"Yes, the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw," Harry answered and i put my hand out for a handshake which he gladly took. I offered him a smile which he returned and i felt a little less guilty.

"A diadem, whats that?" Luna asked from the crowd.

"Its a bit like a tiara," Cho Chang responded.

"Exactly, and we think its hidden somewhere in the castle," Hermione added.

"But it's been lost for centuries," Cho reminded the trio, having a lot of Ravenclaw knowledge it seemed.

"Actually," i butted in, "I think Draco might know something," i continued and everyone turned to look at me baffled.

"Malfoy? Please tell me we don't have to go to Malfoy!" Ron whined and i rolled my eyes.

"It's either him or you go ghost hunting for the Grey Lady, but she has a harsh temper and will do everything it takes to stay alone," i snapped at Ron, really over this spat he had with Draco. I got why, but theyd both grown up now.

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