auradon the realm of magic

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Malificient side of the castle
"Mal listen to me you need to steal the magic wand as soon as possible and keep it for yourself"said malificient
"Yeah mom I know the 4 of us will steal the magic wand as soon as we can"said Mal
"Mal no I mean you need to steal the magic wand"said malificient
"Mom what about evie,Jay and Carlos"said malificient
"They can not be trusted "said malificient
"Why not they are my friends and we make an awesome team"said Mal
"Mal they are the children of villans .Villans don't have friends ,we betray each other with any possible opportunity"said malificient
"But-"said Mal but was caught off by malificient
"Mal I am sure they are telling their children right now to steal the wand for themselves"said malificient
She took Mal to the balcony of the castle
"Mal you see every single villans down there wishes to get off this island and spread terror"she said looking down
She turned to Mal
"But the opportunity has come to me through you"said malificient
"There is something I want to give you"said malificient
"What is it mother"said Mal
Malificient puts  her hand inside her cloak and brings out a spell book
Mal gasped"your old spell book"
"Yes Mal and now I am giving it to you"said malificient
"But why I am happy but every time I ask you for it you say I am not ready"said Mal
"Yes Mal you still are not ready but this spell book contains spells that will help you in auradon "said malificient
"Mal promise me you will steal the magic wand first"said malificient
"I promise you mom"said Mal
"That's my girl you will go to auradon and earn your full name malificient "said malificient

She started laughing evily

Evil queens side of the palace
"Evie remember  my number one rule "said evil queen
"Yes mother carry a makeup palette every where you go "said evie
"No not that one the other one"said evil queen
"Never trust villans"said evie
"That's my blueberry princess"said evil queen
"You can not trust Mal,Jay and Carlos
Evie"said evil queen
"Why not "asked evie
"Well because they are villans kids I am sure there parents have taught them what I am teaching you villans can not be trusted"said evil queen
"But they are my friends"said evie
"Evie this going to be a race for the magic wand "said evil queen
"You need to get your hands on the wand before the rest of them do no one there is a serious threat to you except Mal of course but if you think smartly I am sure you will be able to outsmart her"said evil queen
"Yes mother "said evie
"You will steal the magic wand first I know you can and remember villans cannot be trusted you must not betray until the final and most crucial moment"said evil queen
"Yes mother "said evie
"Come with me I want to give you you something"said evil queen and evie followed
Evil queen led her to the deepest part of the castle there was a door evil queen brought the key out and unlocked the door inside the room evie was shocked to see a lot of spell books in the room and what seemed liked scribled notes of research"mother this is amazing but with all of. This why weren't you able to break down the barrier"asked evie
"Evie I tried everything but I turns out it can only be broken from outside and with the magic wand"said evil queen
She montioned for evie to come over
And evie gasped"mother is that"asked evie
"Yes it is the box I gave hunter to bring back snow white's heart in "said evil queen
She opened the box and turned to evie
"Evie no one here knows about these place king beast taught he threw me in here helpless but I was able to conduct a spell the last minute and preserve all of these"said evil queen
"Does malificient have something like this"asked evie
"No I don't think so even if she has I don't know about it "said evil queen
"Oh"said evie
"Evie come closer"said evil queen and evie did as she was told . Evil queen brought out a mirror and a necklace shaped as a heart

"Mom what is this ? "asked evie"It is my magic mirror"said evil queen"Your famous magic mirror"said evie"Yeah I know it is not what it used to be"said evil queen"Yes if someone else showed me this I would not even believe that this is the magic mi...

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"Mom what is this ? "asked evie
"It is my magic mirror"said evil queen
"Your famous magic mirror"said evie
"Yeah I know it is not what it used to be"said evil queen
"Yes if someone else showed me this I would not even believe that this is the magic mirror"said evie
"Yes and I am giving it to you it will help you in finding the magic wand when you reach auradon"said evil queen
"Thanks mom"said evie
"This is a magical necklace it can only be used by you"said evil queen
"Cool but I did not know you had  a magic necklace"said evie
"No one knows"said evil queen
"Huh"said evie
"Evie you see I created a gem many years ago it was supposed to be stronger that me so I used different kind of dark magic so that when I used it .it would make me stronger"said evil queen
"Like malificient scepter"said evie
"Yes like malificient scepter so I broke the gem and used it as the jewels on my crown and the ruby on my cape"said evil queen
"Cool"said evie
"So I used the remaining of the gem to make the necklace you are holding now and a tiara"said evil queen
"Mom where is the tiara now"asked evie
"You are wearing it"said evil queen
"What! So all this while I have been wearing a magical item and walking around mom weren't you afraid that I will break it"asked evie
"I knew you would not break it"said evil queen
"Mom did you just bring me here so you could give this to me "asked evie
"No I came to give you something else"said evil queen
"What is it mom"asked Evie
"I need you to pick a spell book I know you did not practice magic at all"said evil queen
"I can pick anyone"said evie
"Yes anyone"said evil queen
Evie stood up and started searching all the shelves but did not pick anyone and suddenly her eyes 🌟 to glow red and She turned back and a book on the shelf started glowing red and she picked the book
"This one "said evie
"Indeed this book has chosen you "said evil queen
"Really "asked. Evie
"Yes the spell book is yours"said evil queen
"Now you are ready to go to auradon "said evil queen

At jafars side of the castle
"Jay I am going to make this quick"said Jafar
"You must still the magic wand before the rest of them do "said Jafar
"What I thought we were supposed to work together in doing this besides they are my friends"said Jay
"Jay what is the number one rule"asked Jafar
"There is no such thing as team"said Jay
"Good you see villans don't have friends everyone is thinking of betraying the other"said Jafar
"So I think the best alternative is to steal the wand together and then steal when no one is looking "said Jafar
Jay hesitated
"Jay do I make my  self clear"asked Jafar
"Yes sir"said Jafar
"What is the motto"asked Jafar
"There is no such thing as team "said Jay
"Again "said Jafar
"There is no such thing as team"said Jay louder this time around
"That's my boy"said Jafar

At cruella de vil side of the palace
"Naturally I am supposed to be telling you to bring the wand to me"said cruella
Carlos looked frightened
" That what the other villans must be doing"said cruella
"But unfortunately I was cursed with a useless so like you"said cruella
"Mom-"said Carlos but was caught off by cruella
"Did I say you can talk I couldn't care less about world domination all I want is those stupid dalmations but having the magic wand will make me powerful so I want you to use that head of yours to steal the magic wand for me "said cruella
"Yes mother"said Carlos
"Good"said cruella


Hi guys it's fcfefa I want to start with a more detailed explanation of the story before I start all the romance please share ,support and follow me I will be giving announcements once in a while
Love u guys❤️♥️♥️❤️♥️♥️

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