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Mal's pov
I do not know how I ended up sitting with Audrey I wish I was sitting beside Carlos . I felt so jealous seeing that girl talking and laughing with Carlos and I suddenly remembered evie telling me to tell Carlos how I feel but I am just too scared if he feels the same way he should please make the first move I looked back and I saw evie talking with prince Ben I think evie has charmed another person with her beauty but evie didn't look as if she was paying attention.

Carlos pov
I wish I was sitting beside Mal if only I had the courage to tell her how I feel but the girl sitting beside me Jane I found out that's her name is kind of nice she kept talking to me about different things that happened around auradon I think I made a new friend.

Jays pov
I am so bored this guy sitting beside me is so boring I tried flirting with her but she just ughhhhh killed the vibe. I can't wait for this class to be over.

Evie's pov ( after many lessons)
The lesson was soon over I hurriedly packed my things to meet up with the gang since it was break period
I meet up with them soon Jay was mumbling things about her boring the class was  Mal and Carlos were looking at each other longily if only the both of them could see how much they liked other and just get together already

No one's pov
The vks reached the dinning hall and sat down
" I think it is about time we figured  out a new plan since Jay wrecked the first one " said Mal
" Come on Mal we all know that the plan would her failed either way" said evie
"I know I am just frustrated" said Mal
"I am sure we will figure something out " said Carlos and smiled at Mal
Jay looked back to see Ben and some chicks approaching
" Hey guys look" said Jay
The three of them looked back to see Ben and some other people approaching
" Oh god what do they want " said Mal
" Well Ben did say something about wanting to get to know all of us better during chemistry class " said evie
" Yeah I think you mean you " teased Mal
" M stop it " said evie embarrassed
"Hi guys" greeted Ben cheerfully
All of them had smiles on their faces except Audrey who looked as if she would rather die than be here
" Hey " said Jay and Carlos
Evie and Mal looked indifferent
" Can we seat " asked Ben
" Sure " said Mal evie looked shocked 
They all sat down
" I think it is time to do introductions" said Ben
" Sure go on " said evie
" This is Doug as you met yesterday " said Ben pointing to a dorky guy with glasses
" This is Audrey you all also met her yesterday " said Ben pointing to the girl with brown hair tanned skin and a pretty pink dress
" His girlfriend " said Audrey
'how demanding ' thought evie
" This is Lonnie " said Ben pointing to the girl that sat beside Jay in chemistry class
" This is Jane " said Ben
"Hey ' said all of them except Audrey
Mal gave an evil smirk to Audrey
"Well nice to meet you guys " said evie

The next day goodness remedial glass 101
" Answer this simple question if you found poisoned apple on the floor what would you do
A keep it
B submit it to proper authorities.
C use it to poison king beast
Evie answer the question " said fairy godmother
"C " said evie
" Wrong " said fairy godmother
" How am I wrong " said evie
" Carlos"  said fairy godmother
" Submit it to proper authorities " said Carlos
" Correct " said fairy godmother
" Wow Carlos you are on fire " said evie
" Yeah how do you get it right ". Asked Jay
"It is easy just pick the less fun one " said Carlos
" That makes sense " said Mal
" Next question if you realised a villans escaped from the isle what will you do
A report
B harbour the criminal
C drain the villans powers if he or she has any
" Mal" said fairy godmother
" A " said Mal
" Correct  that  will be all for today " said fairy godmother
They all left the class
In the locker side
" Mal have figured out another plan on how to steal the magic wand "  asked evie
" No I am still thinking let's head to the dorm to talk about it " said Mal
" Sure " said evie . She opened her locker and a note fell out if it
Dear evie,
                   I have been meaning to send u this letter since but I did not have the time meet me at the foot ball stadium at the back
Chad Charming

Sorry for the short chapter but I am having writer's block right now it has been so many years since I watched descendants 1 so the ideas are kind of messed up I would really like ideas please continue to read and support why does Chad want to meet evie tell me your thoughts In the comments
Love u all ♥️ ❤️❤️❤️💕        

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