poison apples

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"Evie I hope you don't mind sitting with me and my friends at our table or we could get a private table."said Ben.
"No it's okay. I don't mind"said Evie with a smile.
Evie and Ben entered the cafeteria and Evie immediately spotted Mal and the rest of the core four. Evie shot a smile in Mal's direction who smirked at her. Evie scanned the cafeteria until she saw Audrey.
'This is going to be a long break'thought Evie.
Evie intertwined her fingers with Ben's once she was widen Audrey's line of sight while Ben looked at her surprised with a flustered look on his face. Evie gave him a gentle smile. evie and ben sat down together while  Evie ignored the piercing gaze of the other occupants of the table.
"Let me get us something eat Evie. Do you want anything in particular?"said Ben.
"No. I'm not picky"said Evie with a smile.
Ben left.
"You have got some nerves Evie to show your face at this table even this school"snarled Audrey.
"I have no idea about what you are talking about Audrey please be specific"said Evie with a smile.
"You bitch!!"Audrey slammed her fists on top the table. Almost everyone's attention turned to her but Audrey could feel Mal's piercing gaze on her and shivered slightly but she ignore it.
'i am making a point here. I am right'thought Audrey.
"Uhh so you are talking about Ben"Evie had a mocking smile on her lips that made Audrey clench her fists.
"Listen Hun. Break ups happen I don't how that is my fault, he confessed his feelings and I did the same I don't see the problem here Audrey"Evie said gently.
"You know exactly what the problem is me and Ben were made for each other. We were going to get married I was going to be queen!!"said Audrey.
"Is that really all you care about Audrey to be a queen? And you people call us villains shallow"said Evie.
Audrey glared at her. Jane and Lonnie shifted slightly.
"You are just like your mother a slut you took my boyfriend because of the crown right. Mummy taught you well right. You truly do deserve to spend the rest of your miserable life on that island."said Audrey with a smirk.
Jane gasped while Lonnie looked at Audrey shocked.
No respond came from Evie .
"You have nothing to say right. Just like your mother"said Audrey.
Evie started shedding tears.
"You are crying already"said Audrey.
She is pleased with herself.
"What is going on here "asked Ben.
Audrey's face changed when she realized the situation.
Ben entered holding a tray , Doug followed him with another tray on his hand and Chad followed suite.
"B-ben! I can explain it's not what it looks like"said Audrey.
Ben ignored her and dropped the tray on top the table then he turned his full attention to Evie.
Evie sniffed slightly trying to clean her tears but they just kept falling.
Ben placed his arm gently around her shoulder.
"Evie tell me what happened"said Ben.
"Audrey doesn't want me here. She thinks I deserve to be locked up on the isle forever and she insulted my mother"Evie said with a shaky voice.
Ben turned his attention towards Audrey
"How could you say something like they to her Audrey? No kid on that island deserves that and you know that."said Ben.
"No Ben !! They all deserve it because they are the carbon copies of their parents . I have no idea why you decided to bring them here in the first place . I mean just look at Evie she is just like her mother ,she stole you from me"said Audrey furiously.
"She did not steal me from you . I was never happy in our relationship to begin with and I never loved you!!"said Ben furiously.
Everyone looked at Ben shocked. The rest of the core four sat comfortably watching the show and Evie smirked inwardly. Audrey had tears in her eyes .
"You mean to tell me that for how long we have been together you never loved me Ben"said Audrey crying and she ran out of the hall. Ben looked shocked he suddenly realized what he said and gave a comforting smile then he ran after Audrey. Silence filled the room as the rest of the poison apples gave Evie a conflicted look. Evie stood up gracefully and sat down with the rest of the core four.
"Quite a show you put in E. Your mom would be proud"said Mal with a smirk.
Evie flipped her hair.
"I know"Evie said with a smile.
Mal moved closer to Evie.
"Want to have some fun. I just had a great idea"said Evie.
"Sure"said Evie.
Mal signalled jay and Carlos to come closer.
"Carlos do you have Jane's contact"asked Mal lowly.
"Yes"said Carlos.
A sinister smile crept up on Mal's face.
'I knew it'thought Mal sadly.
"Send it to me "said Mal .
"Sure"Carlos gave her a confused look but he sent it anyway. Mal typed something on her phone then looked around and met Jane's eyes who gave her a hesitant look but then stood up and left the cafeteria.
"Okay Evie let's go"said Mal.
Evie raised a brow but stood up anyway.
"Boys don't wit for us head to class okay"said Mal.
They left .
"The both of them always have something going on. They should let us in on the action sometimes "sighed jay.
Carlos agreed.

With Mal and Evie
Evie walked side by side with Mal until they stopped in front of the door of the bathroom. Evie gave Mal a questioning looking.
"Trust me E you are going to enjoy this"said Mal. Then she entered inside and Evie followed her closely. Jane was pacing around the restroom with an anxious look on her face.
"You can relax now we are here"said Mal
"What do you want Mal? Audrey won't be happy if she finds out I met you.
"Relax why are you always so afraid of Audrey you are the one with the magic"said Mal.
Jane sighed but agrees anyway. Evie and mal made eye contact with their eyes flashing red and green respectively and Evie immediately understood.
"So do you have a date to the coronation Jane?"questioned Evie.
"No. No boy has asked me and I doubt anyone will"said Jane sadly.
"What makes you think that sweetie "questioned Mal with a smirk.
"No one likes a girl like me I am not pretty enough and I am fairy godmother"s daughter"said Jane.
"But you are pretty and even if that is the case your mother changed Cinderella to a beautiful princess why can't she do the same for you"questioned Evie.
"Mom says she doesn't do that anymore and I am a beautiful just the way I am"said Jane.
"Tell that to Cinderella "Mal snickered.
"I know right. She can help a total stranger but not her daughter"said Evie.
Jane clenches her fists silently.
Evie and mal smirked at each other.
"Why don't you use your magic on yourself "asked Evie innocently
"Good magic can only be used to help others"said jane.
"Well Jane we are your friends and we have no problem using our magic to help you"said Mal.
"Really"questioned Jane quietly.
"Of course you deserve your freedom just look at us"said Mal.
Evie gave Jane a gentle smile.
"Now show me your bad side"said Mal.
"My bad side"questioned Jane.
"Of course she does not get to control you Jane you are your own person"said Mal.
"Yeah you are right!"said Jane and she ripped her skirt.
Evie and mal started laughing.
"Oh my god my mom's gonna kill me"screamed Jane.
"Relax Jane Mal will take care of that"said Evie softly.
Mal opened her spell book and chanted a spell soon the fabric returned to normal.
"Thanks"jane sighed.
"Alright Jane come to our room later for a make over okay"said Mal.
Jane nodded and left.
"She's just too gullible"laughed Mal.
"She really is"said Evie.
"This is is going to be fun"said Evie with a smirk.

This will be Al for now love fcfefa

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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