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Kaminari POV:

"Ddddeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!" Mina is screaming while shaking me viciously.

Wwhhaaaaaatttt!!" I cry back.

"Ssooooooooo... Ya' know that cute purple boy who is trying to join the hero course?"

"Shinso. Yea?" I mean I talked to him a couple of times, and yea, he is pretty hot. I've been subtly trying to flirt with him for a while now, I don't know if he's picking it up though. *Denki, sweety, you probs weren't that "subtle"*

"Wweeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllll... I was thinking about inviting him to the 1-A party this weekend. I wanna make him feel more comfortable without class, ya' know?"

Now that I think about it, that's a great idea! We should totally do that!

"Awesome! That's a wonderful idea!!!"

"I'm not done yet," she says supper sassily, but she means it out of love. She continues, "Aannnddddddd, you are going to be the one to ask him!"

And there is the twist. There is always a twist with Mina. I mean, I will totally do it, but quite frankly, I feel too lazy to go do it.

"Ugh- fine. But you owe me one."

"Yea, yea. Now get on with it!" She then shoes me out of her room, the spot where we were hanging out.

I get all the way into the common room when I realize that I have no friking clue where I would find Shinso. Well, I didn't think this through. How am I supposed to find this guy? It's not like I can ask anybody who would probably know where he is, besides Aizawa-sensei but he makes it clear that he prefers his time after classes away from us students.

What class is he in again? Gen Ed? What class is that? 1-C? I can't just waltz up to the 1-C dorms and go in and look for him.

I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. Aizawa-sensei might not like being around students, but if I call him then I am not actually around him. God, I'm a genious.*that is spelled wrong on purpose lol*

I sling over onto the common room couch. On the other couch, Sero was sitting on his phone.

"Hey Kami"

"Hey man"

"What are you doing?"

"Calling Aizawa-sensei"

"Hah. Good luck with that. RIP dude. Nice knowing you"

"He can't be thaaaaaatt bad."

"Do you not remember? He expelled an entire class at one."

"Oop- I forgot about that. Well, it's important."

"What are you calling him for anyways?"

"I wanna know where Shinos is. I'm inviting him to the party this weekend."

"Why would you call Aizawa for that?"

"Well, Shinso is his personal student, right?"

"I mean yea, but that doesn't mean he knows where he is at all times"

"Then as a backup, I'll ask him for Shinso's number"

"Do you think Aizawa would- wait... Is this just so you can get Shinso's number?"

"What? Why would you think that?"

"Every time I see you near him you are harassing him with your flirting"

"Hmph- I thought I was being pretty subtle. And harassing?! Don't bring me down to that level man."

"First off, yes, harassing because it makes you angry. And second, "WiTh ThOsE lOoKs, YoU mUsT bE pOpUlAr WiTh ThE lAdIeS. i CaN tElL." Bro, that's not subtle," Sero said what I said with a horrible impression of me.

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