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*I don't have a lot of inspiration while writing this so it might sound a little dry. I'll try my best lol*

Aizawa, but make it purple POV:

I was finishing up training for the day, a little out of breath, but content with how I did today.

"Good job, Hitoshi. Go get some rest," my dad shoos me off as he picks up his capture scarf. I bend down and pick up mine aswell as I walk towards my dorm giving him a little wave.

I get to the 1-C dorm building and head strait to my dorm. Sometimes I just wish that I could just have a dorm close to my dads's dorms. The rest of my family is over there anyways (including our cats). I visit often but it's different not having my own room by them.

Most days, like today, my father and I get done with training at 7 o'clock so there's quite a bit of time before most of my classmates head for bed. After everybody heads out of the common room I like to go in and chill in there for a while.

I don't really plan on trying to bond with the class of 1-C as I plan to join the hero course soon and I don't want to hurt my own feelings by getting attached to anybody. It's not like I need freinds anyways. I'm only here to be a hero not to be buddy-buddy with everybody. Although, my dad did warn me about how crazy his class is when it comes to making friends with people.

His class doesn't seem that bad though. Class 1-B is okay, sure, but they are all pretty mellow but Monoma completely off balances it in a bad way. 1-A, though, is all just completely crazy all through and I can respect taht consistency.

My dad has a special soft spot for this class and I haven't seen him like this towards a class ever. I like to believe that I am pretty similar to my dad so maybe I can chill with 1-A.

In the mean time before I head down to the common room I pull out a sketch book and put on a playlist. I don't like to draw that often but I'm a bit bored and don't feel like just sitting and scrolling thorugh my phone.

Whilst I am drawing I hear the nofification sound go off on my phone. I don't get notifications that often but I am to into the drawing to take a break and risk getting side tracked on the phone.

When it comes to drawing I am really good at drawing ralistic noses bur I can't draw the rest of the face for crap so I guess taht I have that ging for me. *bitch, I'm jelous*

After about an hour I chenk my phone to chack the time. It reads 7:59. The people usally are out of the common room at 10 o'clock. I look back and see the notification that I got earlier. It's form the gram and says:

Pikachu_was_here.kaminari.d started following you

Oh, Kaminari is that one electric guy from 1-A. He was really nice to me during he joint training exercise that the hero courses did earlier that year and has tried talking to me a few times after that. I go in and accept his friend request.

There is one thing about Kaminari that seems different towards me. It feels like he is being overly friendsly to me, even after my whole not wanting to make friends speech and it always make me feel kind of weird in my chest. Kind of like a turning or pulling.

Just the way that he holds himself emotionally and characteristically I kind of admire. If I really think about it he reminds me a lot of my pops when it comes to his personality. I have leart from my dad that he is at eh bottom of his class acaddemically but he is not letting that get him down and that reminds me that I can still go on though with becoming a hero if I just have the confidence that I need. On top of that I saw the drawbacks that his quirk has during the sports festival and that just adds a whole new layre of pressure on him.

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