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*Sorry for not posting in forever, tbh kinda forgot about this, then I just got some motivation to start up again. I just started school, so I will try to do this when possible. This is a pretty long chapter too. The good part is going to be coming soon. Thx for reading!)

EaraserMic Secret Love Child POV

Wow. I barely got any sleep last night. I usually don't, but I felt too busy to sleep this time. Most of the night all I could think about was that stupid party. I mean, they went out of their way to invite me to it. I've never been to a party like that before.

Eventually, I was able to doze off. Only for an hour or two, though. It, being Wednesday, leaves me only a short amount of time before I have to get ready for classes.

Do I want to go? I don't know. Will it be good for me to go? Probably. I'm going to be in their class next year (hopefully) so it wouldn't be a bad idea to get to know them more. Dad said that I should get to know them more but I'm not really fond of the idea. Of course, I know that he is right, but I don't like to accept it.

I put on my uniform before heading to the 1-C common room to get a cup of coffee. I get up early so there is nobody else in here yet. I like it that way. I make my cup of coffee and go back up to my dorm to get my books and homework in order before leaving.

I still have an hour before class starts so I make my way over to the teacher dorms to get dad and pops *Aizawa and Mic* up. Dad is probably awake but I want to stop by anyways.

In the meanwhile, I begin to think about the party. I have lots of questions about what will be going on there. As I said, I know next to nothing about parties so I have no clue what would be planned. Would I even like the activities? Ugh- this is so confusing.

I would ask Kaminari, but I don't want to make it sound like I've never been to a party before, although that would be true. I guess that I could look it up or something. No, that sounds ridiculous.

By now I am at my parent's dorm. I have a spare key given to me so I go in and open the door. Their dorm is more set up like an apartment. When you first walk in the kitchen is connected to a living room type area that has the tv. There is a small hallway that goes to dad and pop's room, Eri's room, and the bathroom. In the kitchen, Pop is making what seems to be some eggs.

"Oh! Mornin' Hitoshi! How did you sleep?" Pop asks, looking over his shoulder at me. All I do is grunt in response, he already knows the answer. "Hah, well, Shota's still sleeping, he had a late-night grading tests. Want some eggs?" He brings the frying pan over to the three plates that were at the table and begins to lay some on each plate.

"Sure." I go over and pull a plate out of the cupboard and set it at the table in an open spot. He serves me up a plate. I hear little footsteps starting to approach me. Before I'm able to look over I get a bear hug on my side from Eri.

"Good Morning Toshi!" I turn over and hug her back.

"G' morning Eri." She lets me go and sits over at her spot at the table. She really has started to grow into the family and that makes me so happy. I'm glad that I get to have her as my little sister now.

Pop sits down and starts to dig in. I get a sudden idea, I can ask him some vague questions about things like parties. He's a lot less strict than dad and he, admittedly, has a much better social life than dad. That is actually a good idea.

I fiddle with my food and without looking up I say, "Hey, pops."

He looks up from his plate and swallows before answering. "Yeah?"

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