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Cloaked and the caravan hidden away, they went into town and blended in with the crowd. "Varian, use your keen ears to find out what people are saying." Rapunzel said quietly.

He nodded, focusing on people around them.

"Have you seen Stallion?"

"I saw Rider earlier, I know it!"

"...Big news, not sure if I'm excited or not."

"On the stage..."

Varian glanced to the side and directed their attentions to a stage set up in town, which is what the big crowd was gathering around. Someone stepped out from behind a curtain while someone else blew a trumpet.

"Alright! Shut your faces and listen up, you scum!" The man that stepped out said with a sneer.

Varian recognized him instantly and took Rapunzel's hand, speaking quietly. "That's the guy that Eugene traded himself for Red and Angry to."

Rapunzel gasped. "Right. He works for the Baron." She whispered back as the man went on.

"The Baron has something he'd like to say." The man said as the curtain moved again, a large, imposing man stepping out.

Varian just had to look at him to get bad vibes. And he wasn't ignoring these ones, like he did with Miss Sugarby. Boy, had that been a near-disaster...

"People of Vardaros," The Baron spoke, "I bring you cause for celebration."

"God knows this dreary town needs it." Hugo muttered. Donella shushed him and he went silent.

"A glint of joy into your otherwise meaningless and pitiful lives." The Baron went on.

Okay, Varian really didn't like this guy.

"My people will be collecting gifts for the occasion from each of you."

Presumptuous. Or a threat. Either way, he was bad news.


Eugene stood behind the curtain silently, listening to the man go on. He heard Lance wheeze in agony behind him and went to his side. "Hang in there, buddy. I'm gonna get you out of this." He paced his hand on his chest and hung his head.

"Wow!" A brown-haired woman looked out at the crowd through the curtain. "You should see all the people out there!" She looked over at Eugene.

He looked over at her and sighed, getting up. "Stalyan, come on. This is stupid."

"I know it is. I told my dad that the spider wasn't necessary but, you know bad guys."She shrugged with a smile and walked past him. "They have such a flair for drama."

Eugene clenched his teeth. "That's not what Imeant!"

She crossed her arms over her chest, grinning. "I know what you meant."

"Stalyan, I can't do this." He said firmly. "I'm in love with someone else."

"Yeah, I know." She said cheerfully, mockingly. "We've all heard the story by now." She uncrossed her arms and moved her handto her hip, instead. "How the daring ne'er-do-well thief rescued the lost princess from her tower." She rolled her eyes as she spoke, still smiling, like it was a big joke. "Let me ask you, do you really think it's fair to ask a girl who spent the first eighteen years of her life in prison to give up her freedom for a lifelong relationship with someone like you?" She smirked, her arms crossing over her chest again.

Eugene looked hurt at the implication and glanced to the side, then focused on the Baron's voice again.

"I am pleased to announce—"

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