• polka dotted man pt.2 •

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Splendorman POV :3

I swung the door open expecting to see my brothers face but to be met with a flying child... I HURT A CHILD!!!

"I AM SOSOSOSOS SORRY I DIDNT MEAN IT!!!!" I yelled while running to what seemed a girl, she was laying against the wall staring at me intensly.

(Your thoughts) "im going to rip that sticks dick off...tie his Long ass arms around his head and hang him..."

Ouch. Ignoring the first part I apologized "Child I am very sorry, and please don't hang me."While picking up the mortal and cradling it like a baby.

"Who the hell are you?!" It scolded me while looking up to my face.

"SPLENDORMAN!!!" I screeched with glee, confetti coming out above us drifting on the top of my hat.

"Oh gee, your the guy I wasn't supposed to piss off. Great." She said while folding her arm, looking away.

I soon heard a recognizable voice behind me, SALLY!!!!!!

I turned around dropping the mortal with a crash and running to the stairs to hug my dear friend Sally.

"SPLENDY!!!!" she squealed hugging me back. I grabbed her hand and walked back to the mortal with her behind me.

"Fucking bitch istg-" She was muttering and then Sally quickly went to her side to help her up, "omg y/n what happened?!" Sally gasped.

The mortal just glared at me and pointed.

Seems like it was going to take alot of time making her like me. "Sorry..." I whispered.

"It's okay I guess. Also my names y/n so if ya need me I will be looking for the other fuck faces." She said while turning and heading to the stairs.

Sally then grabbed my hand again and led me to the kitchen where we had started a magnificent tea party :0

Your POV

Guess that was the splendic guy. Our fist meeting went fucking great.

I just wandered the halls waiting to bump into someone. Judge Angels and BP were out doing their weird ass shit, Toymaker fixing the van. Puppeteer doing whatever he does... most likely making imaginary friends come to life.

The proxies I dont really fuckin care where they are besides Toby. Lost silver and Sonic exe. Prolly In there dimensions. Ugh it's boring when you don't kill people.

Wandering the halls I soon came across BENs room, hearing two voices it seemed to be BEN and Jeff talking so then I leaned my head against the door listening on to the conversation cuz im a bad bhitch like Dat 💅💋.

"Like do you wish you can just rip her fucking organs out but like rip out her throat with your tongue?" I heard a gruff voice ask, I sure as hell hope I'm not the her
Their talking about.

"I mean like that shits kinky but that's also fucking crazy man." BENs techno voice responded.

"Bro once I was watching her from her window and she started undressing bro. Almost fell out of the tree." Jeff slurred out almost in a laugh.

"Is she hot?" BEN asked bluntly.

"Fuckin smoking." I could just hear the smile in his voice. Whatever girl they were talking about I wanted to see that phat ass they was going on abt. (Your bi in this book. Ion think I have to explain.)

"It's not nice to eaves drop y/n~" a playful scratchy voice whispered in my ear. "Holy shi-" I screeched but then falling back on BENs door swinging it open, L.J just watching from the hallway laughing his non existing ass off with BEN and Jeff to high out of their minds to know what's happening.

Still for some fucking reason blushing I stood up and awkwardly said "and with that boys is 5 different ways to get aids." I said pumping fake guns at them with my hands.

"You are really gay." BEN snickerd dropping his controller.

I could still hear L.Js loud ass showman laughing from down the hallway going to his room.

Jeff just staring at me, God damn how many times bro. How.many.times.

"I swear to God Jeff I will literally bitch slap you." I dramatically sneered at Jeff, He just shrugged his shoulders and went back to the game along with BEN.

It smelled heavy of weed.

I just walked in and sat down on the bean bag chair carrying on with my day. And that was logging onto my phone.

You are privately chatting with



Where are you.

We need you rn.

Come to door that says "proxies."

And bring who you with, with you.


Why ho 🍆
You wanna link 💋


Thanks for the offer but no,

One word y/n.



Oh fuck yes bitch.

I logged off my phone slipping it Into my jeans/sweater and grabbing BEN by the point of the ear.

"Aw shit what are you doing?!" He yelped.

I looked down at him, "uno. And I'm about to beat yo ass if you don't get the fuck up. Same with you bitch." I say looking to Jeff who is zoinked out of his mind. "Okay, bitch." Jeff muttered while standing up. Okay yeah he only did this when He wanted something, so either way I will just have to find out exactly what it is.

We three walked out of BENs room and headed down the hall. Me not knowing that these guys had way worse anger issues than I thought, along with me.

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