//A Halloween party plan//

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Steve was in history class, his cheek laying in the palm of his hand that was perched on his desktop. He was bored out of his mind, history was a class he didn't really care for. Well that and English class, he just found no interest in the two subjects. Then he shut he shut his eyes trying to day dream away from the boring lecture, than he remembered that after school he was to drive Dustin to Hoppers shed (hopper gave Steve the shed after he moved in with Joyce, now Steve lives there) to get working on the plans for the Halloween party they were planning. Everyone that was wrapped into this mess, was going to forget everything happened and just spend one night having fun. Steve thought about ideas for majority of the class, until he hears someone open the door and he looks over. Billy hargrove, the dirty blonde walked in with his heavy boots on. He didn't mind the teacher lecturing him about being late, but really everyone could tell the teacher just wanted Billy's attention. It's all the girls wanted these days, Billy winked at her and sat in his desk behind Steve. Steve could smell the mint coming off him, the mint mixed with the tint of cigarette smoke smelled not too bed, it was a smell that suited that asshole of a jock.

After class was over, Steve got up and picked up his books. One more class until the party planning, the problem with that was, it was gym class. Billy hargroves fucking den, he owned that place. Steve sighed as he walked to his locker and opened it, but than the dirty blonde walked over and slammed it shut again, Steve heard Tommy's snickering as he pushed Steve's shoulder as he walked passed him. He also saw the dirty blonde look back at him with those ocean blue eyes, but Steve could see passed the blue, there was a shade of grey, that grey was the bow on top of the present. Steve rolled his eyes, he hated those two with a burning passion. He opened his locker again putting his history books and homework into the locker and takes out his gym clothes, than shut it again and walked to gym class.

In gym class.

Steve walked in running his fingers threw his hair, as he looked around he saw that Billy was already shirtless, with that silver necklace tangling from his neck, and those tan abs just shining like gold would. Steve looked away, man he hated him. Steve got in position as soon as the teacher blew the silver whistle, it was no surprise that Billy pushed Tommy out the way in stand off so he was to play against Steve. The teacher threw the Ball into the air as Billy ran jumping off one foot catching the basket ball and landing on two feet, before pushing Steve over with his shoulder and making a run for it. Steve stumbled to his feet and ran after him, but Steve couldn't keep up with him. He had no motivation too, what was the point in trying at this sport anymore? Billy took his place. Billy jumped up tossing the ball under his leg into the basket ball hoop, and scored a goal. Billy landed giving Tommy and another guy a high five, before licking his teeth and lips.

After the Basket ball game

Steve was in the locker room, he had hot water sprinkling from the shower top falling onto his face, as water fell down the brunettes chin down to his neck. As he heard the click of the metal door opening and familer voices, as Billy walked in taking off the towel wrapped around his waist and turned on the shower head next to Steve, as water fell down the blondes chin down to his neck he looked over head tilted up to look at Steve. "Don't be Upset harrington. Today's just not your day." Billy said to taunt him, Steve looked over at him water falling down his nose, "please it'll never be my day with you here." Steve stated firmly as he was about to ignore him completely but noticed something on Billy, he noticed that right under his chin a bit to the right, there was a fading bruise but it was clearly there. He was about to say something about it, but Tommy interrupted. "Look you're just a freak now harrington. Your friends with kids, your no king your a baby sitter!" Tommy snickered and cackled at his own remark. Billy looked at Tommy grinning as he looked back at the brunette with those piercing blue eyes, he could see the anger on Steve's face, how his eyebrows were furrowed and his deep brown eyes dead locked in. Billy loved the sight of him like this, though before he could say another thing Steve stormed out stomping his feet. As he slammed the metal door which mad a loud boom throughout the room, Billy watched him leave as he fidgeted with his silver necklace ignoring what Tommy had to say.

After school

Steve was excited as he walked to his car and leaned on the hood of it, a curly brown haired boy runs up to him holding his backpack straps. "Steve!" Dustin shouted with much interest, Steve looked at him a smile forming on his lips. "You ready for plan night Henderson?" Steve asked him opening the front door to the driver's side, Dustin opened the passengers door. "Hell yeah! Max is going to come, so is Lucas and Erica!" Dustin told him sitting in the sinking and plump car seat, Steve sat behind the wheel as he started the car. "Oh yeah? Can't wait Henderson, Let's race on back." Steve slammed on the gas peddle as they Zoomed out of the parking lot and down the highway, Dustin put his hands up and had a big adorable smile on his face. Steve looked at him and couldn't help but smile.

Party planning.

Lucas and Erica arrived 20 minutes after they got there, the 4 started to talk about themes, "maybe black and white?" Lucas suggested. "Lame like always, we should do Upside down." Erica chimed in, Dustin shook his head no, "this party is to get our minds off it Erica?" Steve told her as she rolled her eyes, "it was just a suggestion!" Erica yelled, Lucas put his hand on his face. Before any of them could speak the heard the loud car, Blasting music they heard the car door slam. "GET OUT OF HERE JACKASS!" max yelled at Billy through the window and flipped him off as he drove away. Max walked into the house and looked at everyone, her long red hair flowing Down her shoulders. "What are you looking at? Keep talking." Everyone started to talk again, "what about summer themed!!" Dustin blurted as max hit him in the back of the head, "idiot, we're not in middle school anymore." Dustin put his hands on the back of his head looking at her as he flipped her off. Erica stood up slamming her hands on the desk, "What about DnD!?" Lucas instantly pointed at her smiling and looked at Steve and Dustin, Dustin put his hands up in the air, "PERFECT!" Steve shrugged and smiled at them all, looking at Max he noticed she had a very slight bruise on her cheek. Steve sighed and tapped her shoulder, max looked up at him as she saw him nudge his head to the other room as he lead her to it, the others to busy yelling to notice. Steve put a damp towel to her cheek, "what happened this time?" He asked her. "You know..I fell down the stairs, haha I'm a clutz." Max replied not making eye contact, Steve sighed, "max everytime I see you, you have a bruise somewhere..you can tell me." Max looked down, "it's.. Billy.. he's always been a dick but now he's just angry.." she told him. Steve sighed moving her hair behind her ear, "he's a jackass. He doesn't know what a great Sister you are, don't let him break you max." Max smiled smiled bit and nodded, "thanks Steve.." she thanked him before they both took eachother in a warm embrace.

//M̸y̸̸̸ B̸r̸o̸k̸e̸n̸ B̸o̸y̸̸̸//\\A Harringrove Story//Where stories live. Discover now