//The alliance//

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Steve was finished his lunch and the conversation about the party was done, he got up and stretched. Then he walked out to find the dirty blonde, Steve wondered why he wasn't in the cafeteria. It wasn't like him to just miss out of flirting with girls, or hanging out with the jackasses, most importantly miss out on basket ball. And if he wasn't in the cafeteria where the hell was he? The brunette searched uo and down the halls, looked into every classroom, every office, every closet, he even searched some of the lockers for the tall blonde. Yet he couldn't find a trace of him, it's like he didn't come to school. Though harrington knew he was because he saw him today, in science, so where could he have gone? By the time Steve had checked the whole inside of the school the bell had rang to go home, the brunette got a little worried, though he wasn't sure why. Steve walked back to Dustin and shrugged, "I couldn't find him anywhere! I swear I checked the whole school Henderson." Steve told Dustin, Dustin raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "That's odd, should we be concerned?" Dustin asked him, Steve shook his head. "I'm not sure, he's probably fine. Let's just go to the car, I'll invite him tomorrow." Dustin nodded and the both of them walked to Steve's car, but as soon as they got outside Dustin tugged on Steve's sleeve. "Steve look!" Dustin pointed to the tree in the back of the school, Steve looked and his eyes widened in shock. The tall blonde was sitting down leaning on the trunk, he was fast asleep. Knocked out cold, Steve walked up to him and kneeled down. Dustin followed but stayed standing behind Steve, the brunette then proceeded to shake Billy awake, "hey Hargrove wake up," Billy shifted a bit as he finally woke up than pushed steve away standing back up. "What the hell do you want harrington?" Steve sighed not surprised about the reaction, as he stood up and crossed his arms, "the day is done hargrove, you slept through the whole end of the day." Steve explained to him, Billy looked confused as he put a hand on the back of his neck. "Why were you even looking for me harrington?" He asked him, he looked into Steve's eyes, his stormy blue eyes met Steve's chocolate brown eyes. Steve took a breath as Dustin watched the whole thing seeing the chemistry, "well, we're all having a party. For everyone involved in the upside Down, we were wondering sense you were a big part of it, that if you wanted to join us?" Steve asked him, the dirty blonde eyes widened a bit as he raised an eye brow putting a hand on his chest. "Wait you're actually inviting me?" Steve chuckled a bit putting a hand on his hip, Dustin smiled and stood forward. "Yeah! And we're going shopping! For supplies- wanna join us??" Dustin gladly asked him, Billy looked down at the curly haired kid as he was honestly confused. He put a hand on the back of his head and the other one across his chest, as he sighed. "Fine, just because I have nothing better to do." This made Steve smile, the brunette knew Billy had tons of other things to do. Steve lead them to his car as they all got in, then they all drove to the store.


Dustin was running across the floor into store after store, Billy was always uncomfortable going into Stargate mall ever sense the incident. But of course he didn't show it, he clenched his fists and sighed just following Steve and Dustin. Steve out a hand in his pocket as he laughed watching Dustin, "Oi Henderson stick to the list." Steve reminded the energetic kid as he awkwardly chuckled, "sorry sorry," Dustin continued walking looking for the items. The brunette looked over at the blonde, his smile slowly fading as he noticed Billy looking at the ground as there still walking one hand behind his neck. Steve knew what a uncomfortable expression was, and Billy's face was screaming it. Before he says something Dustin yells over to them, "BINGO!!" Billy and Steve looked up then jogged to the store Dustin was in. A DnD club store, Billy shook his head putting a hand on his nose. "You've got to be kidding me," Billy mumbled to himself, Steve shrugged and looked around. "Everything for DND is in this store! Decorations! props! You name it!" Dustin told them happily. The three of them looked around and bought a few items, Billy was looking at everything honestly really confused. He didn't know what half of these things were, "we got the items, now let's go to another store," Steve said, Billy stopped him. "No no, I think I'll head home. Got to look after Maxine," Billy told them, Steve looked st the uncomfortable blonde and nodded. "Yeah okay sure, so, friends?" Steve held his hand out to shake Billy's, the blonde looked at the brunettes hand fir a second then shook it. "Allys." Steve smiled as he let go, he honestly didn't want too, but he dud and walked away with Dustin. Billy stood there sighing, he moves the hair from his face than he walked out to his car getting in. He leaned back then hit the wheel,

//M̸y̸̸̸ B̸r̸o̸k̸e̸n̸ B̸o̸y̸̸̸//\\A Harringrove Story//Where stories live. Discover now