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October 31st 2004
Dear Diary, It's Halloween!! My friends and I are going trick or treating as the Ghostbusters!!

Tom thought it was stupid but he's just grumpy. Matt thought we should all go as him but it was shot down quickly.

I know we're "too old" but come on, Halloween is the one night I can dress up without being shamed!
WOOWW!! We go SOOOO much candy! Edd got the most candy, and Matt got the most black licorice. Yuck!. I got a lot of candy, I cant wait to eat it!!
Thats all for now, BYYE!!
-Y/N <3


December 25th, 2004

My friends and I all got each other presents! I know Tom doesn't celebrate Christmas due to his religious beliefs, so I instead gave him a "thank you" gift, for being my friend. think he liked it.

I gave Edd Posca Paint Pens, I got Matt more novelty toys, and lastly I got Tord a new hoodie.

He has had his black one for a while, so to change it up, I got him a red one. He looked appreciative.
Thats all for now! BYYEE!!
-Y/N <3

June 10th, 2006
Dear Diary,
YAY! It's summer!! I'm gonna hang out with my friends AAALLL summer. I can't wait!! I know this is a short entry but i've gotta go! Edd invited me over to hang out! BYYEE!!
-Y/N <3
July 24th, 2006
Dear Diary,

Yesterday, we went to the pool and it so great! Except I think Matt got a sunburn. Tord said he did but i'm not sure.

THEN, we went bowling! I'm actually pretty bad at bowling so I lost, right after we played laser tag! I got second, I was five points behind Tord! Matt lost cause he didn't know how to shoot, LOOL!!

After that we played in the arcade and I won on Dance Dance Revolution!! Thats it for now! BYYYEEE!!
-Y/N <3
August 17th, 2007
Dear Diary,

BUUUUTTTTT I did get most of my classes with Tord. Honestly, between you and I, I think i'm starting to develop a crush on him.. DON'T TELL HIM THAT THO! I might be wrong, I might be right, who knows!

Anyways! I also got Math with Tom, Art and Literature with Edd, and Chemistry with Matt! Maybe this year wont be so bad! Thats all for now!! BYYEEE!!
-Y/N <3
September 14th, 2007
Dear Diary,
I was right.

I don't know what to do. He looks like a chick magnet!! He has so many female friends and most of them have crushes on him. AHHH!!! Theres so much competition I dont know what to do! I'll probably just bottle it in for now :(. Oh well..
Class is starting, thats all for now! BYEE!
-Y/N <3
February 14th, 2008
Dear Diary,
THATS IT! Today is Valentines Day. Today is the day I tell Tord how I feel! I'll probably slip a note into his locker. I already have it written out. I'll let you know how it goes!!
This is so fucking stupid.
I tore up the letter.
Theres this girl named "Iris" , apparently they'd been friends for awhile now and she asked him out. He said yes.
I feel pathetic for thinking I had a chance with him.
I'm literally in the bathroom crying as I write this. This is so dumb, why am I even writing this??
Thats all for now, Bye
-Y/N </3
March 23rd, 2008
Dear Diary,
ITS SO HARD TO BE UPSET AT HIM!! I CANT!! I have tried to be but its hard!! He's just so addicting, everything about him is so...HIM!! He's so perfect, I should just stop trying to be mad and just accept it. He's still my friend anyways, it's not like he rejected me, even if it felt like it!!

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