Chapter 7: Villainous Ladies

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Anthanasia accepted the invitation to Helena's tea party. According to Lily, there were many important lady's from different Empires attending,

It wasn't her first time being amongst foreigners so she wasn't particularly nervous. The only thing new to her might be the fact that this tea party was just a leisure activity. Not an official grounds for discussing societal affairs or anything of the sorts.

As the wheels of Anthanasia's carriage turned, so did the brain gears in Jennette's head move, now that she was alone in the palace.

Jennette had been in the palace for two weeks now, but Emperor Claude showed no interest in her. Just like trash, she had been tossed into the desolate Ruby Palace. She was meant to be in the Emerald Palace along with Anthanasia!

Duke Alpheus had made it clear to her, not to be discouraged. In a short amount of time, Emperor Claude would pay attention to her. Why wouldn't he? She was his lovely daughter of course!

Still, Jennette was frantic as she paced back and forth in her room. Anthanasia's abscence at the palace was a good chance to make a move; even if it was a small one that would only do damage for a short time.

Suddenly, a thought crossed her mind, making her laugh to herself.

Yes! Doing that was the perfect plan....

"Your Highness, we have arrived" Anthanasia heard the coachman say from outside. She pushed aside the curtains on the window to peep outside. After confirming that she was in the Irain manor grounds, she reached for the door and opened it.

Gracefully, she stepped out of the carriage without the help of the coachman.

The tea party was taking place outside in the garden and a few guests had already arrived.

Anthanasia walked towards the table, sighting all those who sat in the area.

All of them were rather unfamiliar, but with a single look, you could tell that they were the noblest of young lady's with the text book example of grace.

"Greetings Princess Anthanasia!" Helena got up in greetings, as she spotted Anthanasia coming over to the tea table.

She was greatly surprised. She never expected the princess to actually come.

A servant came over and gently pulled out a chair for Anthanasia. Helena watched the servants every move. She didn't want a mistake to be made in front of the princess.

Anthanasia sat on the seat, then gently thanked the servant for their services.

While doing so, her side eye scanned the faces of each lady sitting on the table, and from afar, she could sight other ladies coming to the table.

Her two hands were gently dropped on the table, as she smiled then gave a general greeting. "Hello everyone. My name is Princess Anthanasia. It's a pleasure to meet everyone here"

In a situation where they could be foreign nobles, Anthanasia decided that it was best to use a semi-formal greeting. She'd say her title, but without all the formal salutations.

"It's a pleasure to meet you princess" The first one to reply, was a young lady with curly light brown hair and green eyes. She placed a hand on her chest and gave a slight bqow. "My name is Florentia Lombardi. I've heard a lot about the Obelian Empire and its royals. It's such a joy to meet the Princess on my first day here"

Anthanasia smiled gently. But the smile seemed more of a smirk.

"The Lombardi family from the Lamburgh Empire, right?"

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