Chapter 8: Just For Practice

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Anthanasia hummed a happy tune as her carriage approached the palace.

'I should go out more often' She thought, recalling the fun time she had at Helena's tea party. It was all just idle chatter at first, then each lady began to tell their own interesting story. All of those who attended were really intriguing.

Like Lady Medea Solon who was the head of her family. The Vasilios Empire seemed to have a lot of drama. Even the way how Lady Aria Roscente became Crown Princess was interesting. To Anthanasia, especially the part about how her sister was executed for numerous crimes.

"Hmm" A thought appeared in her mind for a second. A fun idea came by. If Jennette was so much of a problem, then maybe it'd be good to frame her and just get rid of her..... Anthanasia quickly threw the thought away.

She'd take down Jennette by honorable means. Although it may be cumbersome, but the process of destroying your enemy had to be so. What else was fun about it?

After Anthanasia came back from her little outing, the first thing she saw when stepping out of the carriage, was Jennette running towards her, with some noble ladies.

"Sister!" Jennette called out to her, running. The noble ladies who just loved to gossip looked at each other. 'It seems like the princesses are close' They all thought.

Without asking permission, she ran towards Anthanasia and pulled her into a hug. "I was having a little gathering, and had wanted you to attend but you weren't–"

Before she could complete her words, Anthanasia moved her body out of Jennette's embrace. "Sister, coming into close contact without permission isn't proper for a noble"

Jennette became pissed, but continued with her bright smile. She scrutinized Anthanasia's last word. She called her a 'noble' instead of a princess.

"I apologize sister. I'm not so sure about how to act as a princess" Jennette said gently.

"I understand. Not everyone is a fast learner" As Anthanasia said that, Jennette could hear one of the noble ladies snicker behind her. She clenched her fist in anger. If she had a chance, she'd punch Anthanasia right now!

Not caring about what she thought, Anthanasia continued with her advice. "Let me help you. Upon seeing the first princess, you as the second princess is supposed to curtsy first. Saying. 'Greetings Princess Anthanasia'. Then I will reply with a curtsy and greet you back"

Jennette looked at Anthanasia in wonder for a second, before understanding all she had said. What kind of greeting style was that?

"Now. Do it. So I'll correct your mistakes, sister"

"What?" Jennette stared back in disbelief.

"Greet me so I'll correct your errors. This is a step to acting like a proper princess" Anthanasia said strictly.

Jennette bit her lip in hesitation. She didn't want to greet Anthanasia! It would greatly hurt her pride. But, she had to keep up her innocent facade in front of everyone. It was a palace procedure. Anthanasia would even greet back. She comforted herself with these thoughts.

"Won't you do it? Or should I explain again?" Anthanasia asked, tilting her had to the side in question.

Jennette gripped the sides of her gown and curtsied while saying the customary greeting. "Greetings Princess Anthanasia" After doing so she quickly rose and stared at Anthanasia, waiting for her to respond.

"Hmm" Anthanasia made a slight sound before turning to walk away.

Jennette was flabbergasted and shouted at her. "Wait!"

Anthanasia turned to her with an eyebrow raised. "What?"

Jennette felt annoyance as she looked at Anthanasia pretending to be clueless. It was getting hard to control her tone filled with anger, as she spoke. "Aren't you supposed to respond to my greeting?"

"Oh yes. But that was just for practice. Besides, you were wobbling instead of doing a proper curtsy" Not giving Jennette anytime to say anything more, Anthanasia continued walking away.

She smirked due to the fact she had just toyed with Jennette just now. How joyful it was to see Jennette trying to contain her anger.
As Anthanasia walked away a pair of hateful eyes glared at her disappearing back. "Stupid brat" Jennette muttered.

She clenched her fists in anger. There was this thing about Anthanasia that pissed her off. She just couldn't stand her!

Quickly, she thanked the lady's for coming and wished them a safe journey home. She was so angry that her innocent smile was faltering and failed to wave with her shaking hands.

Hurriedly she went back to the ruby palace. Jennette decided to make a move. Fast. She couldn't be ignored any longer by the imperial family. The little gathering she had with those ladies would surely do some good. Having Anthanasia's name being defamed would surely make her feel better. But that wasn't enough.

Jennette gritted her teeth in anger. She didn't want to play this cat and mouse game however she was nothing but a mouse......for now.

"The throne must be mine" She muttered with determination.

She quickly retreated to the ruby palace. As she walked through the hallways, she couldn't help but feel disgusted by the state of the palace. Patches of moss and mould had formed on all the walls with, vines also creeping up them.

In Jennette's eyes the palace could pass as a jungle. She had gotten to her room door when her eyes caught some sort of  assortment of cobwebs hanging above the door. Upon seeing some approaching maids, she called out to them. "You! There are so many cobwebs on my door! Why hasn't it been cleaned away?"

One maid bowed deeply with shaking shoulders. "Well, the Emperor commanded that we leave the palace as it is...."

"What?" Jennette asked back.

"The Emperor said not to touch a single speck of dust in the palace– Eek!" As the maid spoke, Jennette suddenly turned around and glared vehemently at the poor worker, before she began to march out of the palace.

'What's all of this? Aren't I a Princess?! How come am I treated differently?!'

She was extremely annoyed and could no longer contain her irritation.

At first, she was heading towards the Garnet Palace, but a thought appeared in her mind. Complaining to Claude wouldn't bring forth good results. She began to think reasonably.

Anthanasia was the real problem. She needed to disappear. At first, she was hesitant about what her aunt, Rosalina had suggested, but the anger boiling within her, gave her enough conviction to follow through with the original plan.

"Anthanasia needs to die.... It's time I contacted some old friends......"

Hi everyone. The author here has been very busy with a lot of things. I've been neglecting most of my stories for the past few months but now I'm back! I'll probably finish this, and my other fanfics within the next three months (hopefully). It may be difficult, but I'll do my best!

Side note: I have an original story titled 'Marrying For Twisted Love In a Fantasy Novel'. It's a reincarnation romance fantasy story. Please check it out if you're interested!

Any thoughts or suggestions for this fanfic? Please let me know through comments or messages! And make sure to vote!

Bye for now!

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