Chapter 3: Her Thoughts

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After an hour, Anthanasia relaxed her nerves and entered into a state of sleep.

Later she woke up and peeked outside.

The sun would rise in an hour or two so she decided to get all the sleep she could because of the battle that would begin in a week or so once Jennette was be officially made a princess.

She relaxed her head and entered another train of thoughts.

In the book, Jennette was supposed to be a naïve and childish protagonist. But her character was different in this world, why?

'Ever since I had the power, I’ve had someone check in and spy on Jennette.

Apparently Duke Alpheus increased her education to another level. My guess to why he did that is because I wasn’t easy competition and I have father’s love.

Which would need her to sit up, unlike in the novel, she was given harsh training on how to be a princess.

But, no matter the amount of ‘harsh training’ she’s had I’m not going to allow the daughter of my father’s most hated, steal his love'

Anthanasia peeked up from the blanket and stared at the emperor’s sleeping face.

He seemed so…troubled. She couldn’t resist the urge of not touching his cheek.

“I hope we’ll be happy together”

Anthanasia whispered under her breath before retracting her hand and covering herself then going back to sleep.
The sun shone into Anthanasia’s eyes, which made her block the light with one hand. She sat upright and observed her surroundings and was utterly shocked by the people in the room.

As a warrior you must always be alert while sleeping. For example on the battlefield.

'When I was on the battlefield an assassin from the enemy clan was always sent to attack me in my sleep, and I eventually got used it, that’s why I have a very vigilant mind. Even a whisper from another room away could wake me up.

So why didn’t I know when the emperor left? When at least twenty maids from the emerald palace including Lilian York entered and set up a full course breakfast.

When some of my books which were in the emerald palace are on the dresser right beside me'

“Good morning your highness” Lilian York said as the head maid.

Anthanasia quickly discharged her surprised expression, and replaced with one which should be worn by a princess.

The maids bathed Anthanasia and got her dressed in the Garnet Palace, per the emperor’s orders.

The emperor’s orders were for Princess Anthanasia to stay and not step a foot out of the Garnet Palace, and to not let anyone out nor in, until he gives his orders to Felix Robanne to personally come to escort her.

'He’s keeping me in to protect me, in case of some nobles daring some ‘funny’ tricks, since they’ll be swarming the palace throughout the week due to Jennette getting casually introduced to them.

I’ll probably be here till the next two weeks, since the formal introduction will be then'

Anthanasia sat down to have her breakfast while mulling over her current situation.

The matter of the second princess will soon be addressed.

'It has already caused an uproar among nobles, but I’m sure that impact would only last a month among the lesser nobles like that at the rank of Baronet, Baron and viscount.

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