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Chan had been enjoying his time back home a lot. He was resting a lot and just spending quality time with his family. He had been out of the house a ton of times but he hadn't met Y/n in a while. Not that he really mind. He enjoyed her company but he was fine on his own.

Chan was peacefully walking around. Enjoying the nice weather when his eyes landed upon a certain someone.

She was pinned against the wall. Hand were holding her collar. Without thinking, he came closer. "How many times do I have to tell you that it wasn't me??!" she asked the man in front of her as she desperately tried to breathe. "Don't be ignorant. We saw you. So tell the truth right now. B!tch!" he said and raised his hand, ready to hit the girl in front of her with no hesitation.

She closed her eyes as she was expecting an impact to be felt on her face. When she didn't feel anything she opened her eyes slowly. Chan was holding onto his arm. Twisting it a bit backwards. In reflex the guy let go of her as she fell onto the ground. "Get lost. Before I make you." he said to them before turning to Y/n. They quickly went off as they knew that they couldn't win against him.

Chan turned to Y/n, who was getting up from the floor. "Are you okay?" he asked as he helped her stand straight. She nodded. Her eyes said differently.

Chan simply held her hand and softly dragged her to a nearby store. "Wait here." he said and went inside while she sat outside. He came back with some ice creams. He gave one to her and sat down next to her. "Ice creams make everything a bit better." he said.

He didn't ask what happened this time. He just sat there quietly. Eating his ice cream while sitting close to her so she would feel safe. She smiled at him before licking her ice cream.

After they were done eating their ice cream, they silently sat there. "When are you going back?" Y/n suddenly asked. "In about two weeks." he replied.

Silence took over the conversation. "That's pretty soon." she then said. "It is but I can't always be on a break. I need to continue with my work." he said. She nodded.

She didn't really know what to say. They weren't strangers but they weren't exactly friends either. "I guess we'll be breaking up pretty soon then." she said and laughed a little. "It seems so yeah." he said and looked into her eyes that were staring at him.

"You're a fun person." Chan suddenly said and turned his head to look at the beautiful view again. "You're not too bad yourself." she said and playfully elbowed him.

"Well," she said as she stood up. "It's about time to go home." she said and dusted her butt off. Chan also stood up and stretched a little bit.

They looked at each other. "Thanks for today." she said and smiled at him. "Its really not something to thank me for." he said and smiled back at her. She clapped her hands because she didn't know what else to do. "Until next time, boyfriend~~" she said with a teasing tone. Chan rolled his eyes as he smiled. "Be careful while going home. Should I perhaps walk with you?" he asked. "No. I literally live down this road. But thanks anyways." she said.

"Alright then." he replied. "Bye bye. I'll miss you, boyfriend~~" she said with a teasing tone again. She walked backwards as she waved. Chan smiled and waved. "This girl really is something." he said to himself as he waited until he couldn't see her anymore, before he started walking home himself.



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