The Dragon: Part 2

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After Tyra had gotten her ice coffee, she then sat at a lunch bench stationed on greenery in front of the lockers, which was where her locker was too, and read a book on dragons. Dragons preferred to be isolated from humans and lived on an island that was yet to be found by humans. Tyra had always thought humans knew no boundaries and understood why dragons isolated them.

"My gosh, where is she?", she asked herself quietly as she checked her phone for any messages from her best friend, Anastasia. 

Sounds of laughter from the hallway had caught her attention, it was Eric's friend group of five, three boys and two girls. Eric was a tanned boy with dark hair and dark eyes who was Tyra's cousin by marriage, however, Tyra and Eric were far from close. Both acted as if they were strangers at school but were forced to interact at family gatherings.

Eric becoming a mage was the only thing Tyra knew about him. She never liked Eric's group, they were a disrespectful bunch towards others and although they were all on the same status level, they(Eric excluded) constantly made fun of her and Tyra was not a confident person and found it hard to speak up, so when nasty comments were thrown at her, she either hung her head or kept silent. They disrespected everything about her except her looks and physique because she was an attractive person.

It was ten to eight and Tyra nervously made her way to her locker that was next to Eric's group. She walked with confidence yet what she gave off was different than what she felt from within. 

A few minutes later, a tall figure with loud footsteps came running down the hall, towards Eric and his group. It was Leo Faxon, Eric's best friend who was popular in the school for his looks and athleticism. Leo was also of high status and both his parents were wealthy archmages who were never there for their only son. He was a red-headed, curly-haired boy with sandy brown eyes and tanned skin.

He had great confidence but also great arrogance. Leo was amazing at sports and academics and got everything handed to him therefore used all his achievements and status as an excuse to be ill-mannered.

As Tyra packed her bags, Leo mistakenly bumped into her, which caused her head to hit the locker door. He quickly looked back but did not bother to apologize, Tyra ignored him and fixed her kinky hair with the help of her mirror. When he turned back she quickly glanced at him and pulled the middle finger in annoyance, she then closed her locker, and walked in the opposite direction with her bag hung on her right shoulder.

What an ass, she thought to herself. Tyra knew it was impolite but she did not care.

The bell rang and it was time for class.

"You guys go ahead, I still have to pack my books", Leo said moving towards his locker, stationed two lockers away from Tyra's.

He stood there until the hall was cleared and opened his bag that hid a baby earth dragon. He carefully placed it in his locker and whispered," Okay, little guy, stay here and be quiet until I come back. Okay?".

The baby dragon tilted his head to the left and stared at him. Leo did not know anything about dragons other than what types there are. He found the dragon in his garden the night before just as he had snuck back into his room and took it to school in fear of the helpers finding it in his bedroom. 

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