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"ayo cepeetttt, nanti aku telat!"


In a small village, somewhere in Indonesia, lived a small family of a father, a mother and their daughter. Her name is Melati. She is the definition of "KuTiLang". Kurus, tinggi, langsing which means, skinny, tall, lean. Just without the tall. She's pretty petite. She has smooth black hair that reaches her waist. Her green eyes are shiny and big, which she inherited from her father. Her skin is white that glows in the sun. She has a beautiful smile that can make any man fall for her, just like her mother.

Her birth was a fresh breath of air for her parents. The whole family was worried that Diah, Melati's mother, could not give birth to a child. After 3 years since her marriage with a foreigner named Marcus, they have yet to have a child. Both sides of the family, especially Marcus' family, have talked behind their backs, mocking Diah. Some even told Marcus to divorce her. But Marcus didn't listen. He stayed by Diah's side, not wanting to let her go. Even if she can't have kids, he will still stay by her side and love her till the end of his life.

He was glad he followed his heart. He now has a beautiful daughter. He decided to name her Melati, since she was born when the jasmine flowers in the village bloomed.

That morning was a special morning. Melati woke up earlier than usual. Her smile was brighter, she moved around quicker than usual. That day was the first day of school for her. She inspected herself in the mirror, making sure her red and white uniform is clean and tidy. She tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled at herself.

"Perfect! I'm ready for school!" She said to herself. She grabbed her bag and made her way out her room to the kitchen for breakfast. "Morning, Bunda!" She greeted her mother as she sat down on the table. Her mother served the food she cooked. Melati quickly devoured it, wanting to finish it as soon as she can so she can go to school.

"Melati, calm down! You're gonna die before you even get to go to school!" Marcus laughed. Diah frowned and slapped her husband's back. Melati looked up at her dad and nodded, then continued eating slower. Though, you can still see she's rushing it.

Melati puts her plate on the sink and stood straight next to her dad. "I'm done eating, let's go!!" She tugged on Marcus' sleeve. "Alright, alright." Marcus chuckled. Marcus kissed Diah's cheek before he left.

Marcus placed her daughter on the bike's rear. Melati held on tight to her dad's shirt as her pedaled the bike, off to Melati's school.

After 15 minutes, they finally arrived. Marcus picks up Melati and puts her down on the ground. Melati checks her uniform again, making sure it's tidy. "Good luck in school, kiddo." Marcus smiled at Melati. Melati smiled back, and hugged her dad. "Bye, Dad!" Melati said while waving off. She ran inside the school, as she admired the building.

She looks around, trying to see who she recognizes. Well, the village is small so everyone knew each other. Melati recognized everyone there. She went up to some of them, greeting them good morning.

A lady with a kind smile greeted Melati and her friends, asking for their names, and guiding them to their respective classrooms. Melati was assigned in 3-B. She looked for a random empty seat and plopped herself on it. Not long after, the bell rang. The same lady earlier entered the room and announced, "Students, please assemble in the school's field for flag ceremony!" The kids ran out of the classroom in excitement.

The flag ceremony wasn't as boring as Melati thought it would be. She was amazed by the ceremony leader's loud and clear voice as he shouts, "Hormat, grak!!" and how everyone obeys what he said. 

An hour passed, and the flag ceremony ended. The students returned to their classroom. Like any other first day of school, it was introduction time. The teacher calls the student's name alphabetically to introduce themselves in front of the class.

"And our last student, who is new to this village, Xia Ekavira!" The teacher smiled. Everyone turned their heads and stared a girl sitting in the corner of the class.



Bunda means mom/mother

"Hormat, grak!!" is an order in a flag ceremony to salute to the flag

melati // mika melatika // nijisanji (ex) idWhere stories live. Discover now