5 / hyona elatiora

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"Hey you, you're finally awake!"


Melati's eyes eyed the room and her view lands on the calendar. 12 Juni. She's back at school again, just like the years in the past. But this year felt.... Different. She's finally in 5th grade, just one more year before graduating from elementary school.

"Mika my looovee~" Xia hugged Melati from behind. "Eyyyy, Xia!" Melati turned around to hug Xia back. As time passes, more students arrived at school. Melati recognizes all of them, except for one. She sat on the left row of the class. Her dark brown hair is cut short. She was living in her own world while sitting there, staring to whatevers outside that window with her piercing orange eyes.

'Is she not a local? People around here don't have orange eyes.' Melati thought to herself.

As expected, when class started, the teacher asked the new student to introduce herself. Melati noticed how she was taller than most students in the class.

She expected the new student to talk in English, broken Indonesian, or some other foreign language that she has never heard of. But as soon as she spoke, Melati couldn't take her eyes off her.

"Hello everyone. I'm Hyona Elatiora. Nice to meet you." Hyona spoke in a perfect Indonesian, which no one expected. Before the teacher could say anything, Hyona already sat down on her chair. "Uhh, right." The teacher cleared his throat before starting the class.


While everyone was eating their lunch, talking with their friends or running around the field, Hyona sat on her chair in silence while reading a thick book. 

Melati and Xia already finished their lunch, and walked over to their class to place their lunchboxes. Then they saw Hyona.

"That's Hyona, right?" Xia whispered. "Yeah. I didn't expect her to be a local, considering her eye color." Melati replied. "What about me then?" Xia looked at Melati weirdly. "Right. You also have abnormal eye color." Melati smacked her lips.

Hyona looked up to see the two people that came in the classroom all of a sudden. She locks eyes with them, no one said a word. 

"Uh... Hello." Melati smiled awkwardly. "Hi." Hyona replied shortly. "Did we... Interrupt you?We're so sorry." Melati clasped her hands together. "It's ok." Hyona didn't show any expression to the two girls standing by the door. Her answers are always short, and straight to the point. Giving the impression that she doesn't want to talk at length.

Melati and Xia quickly placed their lunchboxes in their own tables and scurried out of the class. Hyona sighed and continued reading the book she was holding, "Animal Physiology"

"Why does she seem so cold?"  Xia shivered. "I guess that's just how she is?" Melati shrugged. 

A yell from afar was heard, "Hey, watch out!!" 

Melati turned her head to the source of the sound before something flew fast towards her head, smashing itself to Melati's head. Before everything turned black, she heard people screaming and Xia repeatedly calling her name while trying to hold her laugh.


Melati woke up with a headache. Her head hurts so much, everything seemed blurry. After a few seconds, everything finally looked normal. She realized she was laying in the bed in the school's health clinic.

"Hey you, you're finally awake!" A voice said, the person sounded so relieved. Hyona looked at Melati with a gentle expression. "Are you feeling alright?" She asked. "I'm fine- ARGH ASU!!" Melati yelled in pain as she tried to get up.

"I'll take that as a no. Which part of your body hurts?" Hyona eyes Melati, trying to find any bruises or wounds to treat. "My head." Melati pressed her forehead with her finger, and groaned in pain.

"The ball must've hit your head pretty hard, huh. Not to mention, right on your face..." Hyona rubbed her chin with her fingers. "May I touch your face for examination?" Hyona asked politely. Melati nodded. "Tell me if anything hurts." Hyona said as she began tracing and pressing Melati's face with her gloved hands.

"Ah- Ah- That one hurts..." Melati half-yelled. "Your nose, huh? No surprise. Can you hold the pain for a while please?" Hyona began rubbing and pressing some points of Melati's nose. Melati closed her eyes tightly, trying to ignore the pain.

"Your nose isn't fractured nor broken. You're all good. It might take a few days to recover, though. Rest well here, Melati. I already told the teacher that you'll rest here until school is over." Hyona explained.


"Doon't worry, there's only one more class after this. You won't miss out too much." Hyona smiled, assuring Melati.


Sorry for not updating, i've been busy w/ school :(

Happy independence day!

Asu: literal translation is dog, but is used for swearing

melati // mika melatika // nijisanji (ex) idWhere stories live. Discover now