3 / gang sempit

64 3 1

"terima kasih."


Melati glanced at Xia.

The teacher paired them up for an assignment in science class. 'Maybe, she's not as bad as my friends think she is..?'  Melati thought to herself as she puts down the papers and pencils on the table.

"You're Xia, right?" Melati sat down. "Yep! Nice to meet you, Melati." Xia smiled. "By the way, if  you don't understand anything, just ask me! Not trying to brag or anything, but I'm pretty good at science." Xia smiled cockily. Melati grinned. "Oh really? Then, what's the function of the lungs?"  To be honest, she's not very sure of the answer. The teacher is going to teach them about it in a few years, anyways.

"The lungs main purpose is for breathing. Inside the lungs there are branches called the bronchus. Bronchus is the main branch. The  bronchus branches out again to the lobar and the end of it is called the segmental bronchus. Back to the purpose. Other than breathing, the lungs can also transfer oxygen into blood, body pH balance, protection of the immunoglobulin A and mucociliary clea-"

"Ok that's enough science for today." Melati giggled. "I- I- I'm so sorry! I didn't realize I was rambling, oh gosh..." Xia's palm met each other as Xia bowed her upper part of her body multiple times. "No need to apologize. It was kinda entertaining, to be honest. It's really cool that you know a lot about the human body."  Melati smiled softly.

If Xia had dog ears and tail, you would be able to see her ears perk up and her tail wagging around. "Thanks! I think we should start working on the assignment tho." Xia grinned awkardly.

The two of them were the first group to finish the assignment. And they got a 10/10. The two of them high fived.

Meanwhile in the corner of the room, 3 people were watching them.

"What's Melati doing being all friendly with that weirdo?"

"Is she abandoning us or something?!"



School is finally over. Melati walked home with the route she usually takes. As she passed a small alleyway, she heard weird noises.

"Go check what's happening", her heart said.

"Do NOT go check what's happening", her brain said.

But heart won against brain. Melati followed the source of the sound. There she saw Xia, being surrounded by two girls and a boy as they throw Xia's bag around, passing it to each other. Melati knew that they didn't like Xia that much, but she didn't know they'll go as far as this.

"Give it back!" Xia cried out. "Then catch it if you can!" One of them yelled. Melati curled her hands to a fist. She marched up to one of them and grabbed the bag out of her hands. She walks over to Xia and gives her bag back. 

"Melati, you're seriously defending that freak?" Mikael said. "So? You guys went too far this time. I had to do something." Melati stared at the taller boy in front of her coldly. "Melati's turning to a freak, just like Xia!" A girl named Jernih laughed. The other kids laughed.

"My hands really want to fly to your face to give you a good slap right now." Melati's face clearly shows anger. "Try me, shrimp." Mikael stared down at Melati, underestimating her. Not a second after those words leave Mikael's mouth, Melati's hand flew to his face, slapping him real hard in the face. The others gasped, including Xia.

Melati pulled her face closer to Mikael's shocked face. "For someone named after an angel, you're not very angelic, are you?" Melati whispered. Mikael ran away, along with the other girls. "You're a meanie!" One of the girls shouted. "I know, thanks for the reminder!" Melati shouted back.

"You didn't have to be that harsh to them, y'know." Xia muttered. "Someone needs to teach them a lesson, especially Mikael. It's not the first time they've picked on someone."  Melati scowled.

"Uhm, thank you for defending me, Melati." Xia thanked her. "No problem. We're friends, aren't we?" Melati smiled. Xia gasped, then she smiled widely as she grabbed Melati's shoulder and shake her violently. "We're friends?? You- You consider me as your friend?!" Xia excitedly asked. She sees Melati's eyes spinning around, Xia immediately stops shaking poor Melati.

"O- Of course we're friends!" Melati exclaimed. Xia smiled even wider. She threw her hands around Melati, squeezing her body tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! You're my first friend ever!" Xia giggled.

'First friend? I'm... her first friend?

She must've been lonely, all these years alone with no friends...' Melati said to herself.

"Anyways, I need to go home right now. My parents are gonna be worried if I came home past my curfew for too long. See ya tomorrow, Melati!" Xia waved off. Melati waved back.


Finally, a longer chapter... I already started planning the future chapters but I'm kinda stuck hiks /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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