6 / matahari

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"Jangan ngegas elah."


Melati brushed her fingers through her hair as she huffed heavily. God, today was tiring. She wanted to throw herself into her bed as soon as she arrives at home and sleep. Her parents aren't home today, anyways. She can do (almost) whatever she wants.

Melati heard rustles and grunts as she walks nearer to her house. It came from the mango tree that grew just right outside her house. Leaves and small branches fell to the ground, Melati walked closer to the tree and stood right under it to see what was up in the tree.

She saw a tan skinned boy, standing in one of the branches trying to get a big bulky mango. "Hey!!" Melati yelled. The boy screamed in shock, not expecting one of the residents of the house to see him in action. He loses his balance and came crashing to the ground, on top of Melati.

"Ouuuch!" Melati groaned in pain. She smacked the back of the boy's head, earning a yelp. "Get off me!" She ordered. The boy stood up, sucking air through his teeth. "What were you doing? And who are you?!" Melati folded her hands in front of her chest. The boy scratched his neck. "I'm Aditya. And I was trying to steal your mangos, since you were too stupid to realize that I was trying to steal them." He stared at Melati flatly.

"Shut. Up. Shut. Shut it." Melati pointed her finger at Aditya angrily. "Ayo, no need to be so angry. It's just a mango." Aditya raised both of his hands. "Whatever. Just take the goddamn mango." Melati huffed out a heavy breath.

"'Kay. Thanks... Maria?" Aditya looked at Melati awkwardly. He saw her a few times, but couldn't remember what people called her. "It's Melati." Melati side-eyed Aditya sharply before entering her house and locking it.

Aditya shrugged. 'At least I got the mango.'


"Puaah!" Melati lets out a satisfied breath after she sipped the cold tea from her classmate's small store, Denting and her family's store. "Thanks for the drink, Auntie!" Melati smiled to Denting's mom, who replied with a smile and nod. Denting sat beside Melati.

As Melati sipped her iced tea in a plastic bag, she saw Aditya passing by from a far. "That's Aditya, right?" Melati asked Denting. "Yup. How'd you know his name? I've never seen you guys talk or play with each other." Denting tapped the wooden chair she sat on. "Something happened yesterday..." Melati muttered. "I wonder where he's going.." She added.

"He's going to the sea to help his uncle." Denting replied. "Oh? Does he not go to school?" Melati is interested now. "Mhm. His parents died when he was younger, and now he lives with his grandma and uncle. They don't have enough money to put him in school. The money they have is enough for food, small house repairments and savings. He only knows how to read, write and do 2nd grade math that his uncle taught him." Denting's face saddened a bit. Melati couldn't help but feel bad for him.

Melati finished her tea and waved goodbye to Denting and her mom, as she walks back home.


Aditya washed his face with cold water and wiped of the liquid of his face with his shirt. He sighed. When will everything get better?

Then, he heard a knock on the door. He raised one of his eyebrows. Who could've visited him at this time? 

He walks over to the door and opens it, but found no one. What he did find though, is a bag full of ripe mangos. He looked to the left and right, before smiling and taking the bag of mangos. He knew who sent this to him. "Thank you!" He yelled, hoping the person who gave him the bag of mangos is still around.

Melati smiled softly from the bushes. "Your welcome." She whispered.



Finally, another chapter! I'll try to update in friday or saturday

Indonesian version will be made but idk when lol

melati // mika melatika // nijisanji (ex) idWhere stories live. Discover now