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y/n  cancelled the meeting with jooyeon. she told him that she's tired and that he should focus on his exams right now.

she is really scared to meet up with him after her aunt destroyed her self-esteem.

instead of meeting up jooyeon, y/n decided to call and ask for advice.

that's why jungsu is now sitting next to her.

"jungsu, can i ask for advice?" y/n wonders.

"what kind of advice?" jungsu smirks but y/n rolls her eyes.

"jungsu! i am not in the mood for your sexual jokes. i have a serious problem here" y/n explains and sits up.

"ok sorry. go ahead" jungsu apologizes.

"so... would you kiss a girl that has something on her face?" y/n asks and looks down.

jungsu draws his eyebrows together. "i don't get it. could i explain it in more detail? what do you mean?".

y/n thinks for a while. "if sullyoon would have a scar on her face. would you still kiss her? would you still think that she's pretty?".

y/n's heart trembles. she's really anxious about jungsu's answer.

"y/n! what's with you today? why are you asking me these kind of weird questions?" jungsu laughs confusingly.

"please. just answer the question, jungsu" y/n demands.

"if sullyoon would have a scar on the face....i would still think that she's a princess. a scar shows that she's strong. that she didn't give up after something bad has happened to her. obviously i would still kiss her" jungsu suddenly answers.

y/n  tears up. "god. that was cute. sullyoon is a lucky girl".

"why are you crying now?...i don't understand girls, i guess" jungsu sighs.

"ok im going to explain you everything.... jooyeon and me are dating since a week. but until now he didn't kiss me once. i think it's maybe because of my new scar on my face."

y/n takes a mirror and points at the scar. "i am talking about this scar here. my aunt told me that no boy would kiss a girl, with a scar like that. jooyeon hasn't kiss me yet ... i think he thinks i am ugly".

y/n  looks at jungsu but then she notices that jungsu has fallen asleep.

"wow. thanks for listening".


when jungsu woke up, he saw that y/n was sleeping. that's why he left her room without saying goodbye or anything. "should i ask out sullyoon? i have nothing do to right now" - he thinks.

the boy decides to text his crush.


hey uhm sullyoon. wanna go out today?


oh hey so y'know my name now

yea sure, where are we meeting?


i can pick u up, text me ur adress. i'll be there in 20 min, i'm at the hospital rn


do u have a car?

nah but a motorcycle


what? are u scared

yes i don't wanna die yet :(

but i have my driver's license

i am still scared

ppfft i can go ask someone else then

well i don't care

jungsu slams his phone against a  random hospital wall. "SHIT!" he curses loudly and some random passengers look at him scared.

"what a maniac" an grumpy eldery man scoffs.

"seems like everyone hates me today" jungsu sighs and looks down while saying that.

"are you dumb? i don't hate you" a familiar speaks out of the blue.

jungsu's head lifts up. "sullyoon? what are you doing here?".

"i came to pick you up. i was actually in the near of the hospital, so it would be pretty inconvienient if you had to drive back to my house. i just messed with you. i am not scared of driving with you. maybe only a tiny a little bit" sullyoon admits and gives jungsu a sudden hug.

jungsu wraps his arms around and smiles softly. "i am sorry. i am sorry for overreacting before".

"it's fine, you don't need to apologize. i was never mad at you" sullyoon says back and they both deepen their hug even more.

in the background y/n opens her door and watches this scene from afar. 

"they had a misunderstandig but they solved it so quickly. i wish... me and jooyeon would be like that."


sorry if there are any mistakes here, i am too lazy to proof read 🥴

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