Chapter 1

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Kayden scowled down at his soda-stained paws.  That stupid brat!  Couldn't he take a walk without being accosted by every cat-loving idiot in the vicinity?  Now, thanks to the child who had dared to try and pet the Great Kayden, he was covered in grape soda.  Out of all the indignities he had encountered as a cat, this was a particularly unpleasant one.

"Got a problem there?" Kartein walked into the room, tail swishing behind him.

Kayden's scowl deepened. He had no doubt that Kartein was secretly laughing at his predicament, and he knew that the question was only a way to further humiliate him.

"Hn," he grunted, not wanting to admit what had happened. Kartein sat down next to him and stared.  "You look wet.  Did you take a shower?"

"No."  Wrinkling his nose at the sickly sweet taste, Kayden licked the soda from his paws.   The sweetness lingered on his tongue and he sighed as he resigned himself to spending an hour licking the soda off.  Taking a shower as Kartein had suggested would probably be quicker but thanks to his cat part, the urge to lick himself clean was too strong to resist.

Kartein continued to stare as Kayden groomed himself.  "That doesn't seem like water.  It smells sweet actually," he commented as he sniffed the air slightly.  He tilted his head and frowned. "What is it?" 

"Soda." Kayden muttered grudgingly.

"Oh.  How on earth did you manage to spill soda on yourself?  Don't tell me you've managed to open soda cans with your paws now." Kartein looked only mildly curious but Kayden thought he could detect a teasing lilt in his voice.

Fuming at how the soda made his fur stick, Kayden snapped, "It's not my soda.  Some brat tried to pet me when I was taking a walk and spilled it on me when I hissed at him."

"Well, I suppose that would be one of the side effects of being a cat.  Most kids like petting furry animals after all.  I've never had that problem myself though." Kayden paused for a moment to look over at Kartein.  Of course he wouldn't be harassed.  His white cat form was deathly thin and not at all attractive.  No kid would find a cat like that cute.

"Need some help?" Kartein asked as he stretched his limbs, yawning.

Kayden frowned at him suspiciously.  He wondered if this was some sort of taunt.  Surely Kartein wasn't serious?  But it was true that he wouldn't be able to reach his back by himself.  And if Kartein was teasing him, then Kayden would find some other way to get back at him later on.

"Fine.  Just my back," he grunted. 

"Alright."  Kartein shifted closer to him and leaned his head over.  Their fur brushed together lightly, and Kayden's nose pressed against Kartein's side.  As Kartein's tongue rasped on his back, his nose was filled with Kartein's scent.  Ozone, most likely from his power, cat food, and a slight hint of something floral, perhaps a cologne?

The grooming was pleasant.  Kartein's tongue was warm and slightly rough.  Distractedly, Kayden mused about how awkward this would be if they weren't cats.  Even now, it seemed too intimate for two people who had never been particularly close.

"There, all done."  Kartein stepped away from him.

Kayden stretched.  He felt much cleaner now.  Kartein had done a thorough job.

"Thanks," he replied.

"You're welcome," Kartein said as he walked towards the kitchen, "Just be sure to return the favor."

"What, now?" Kayden asked.  That was unexpected.

"No, it's lunchtime. I'm getting something to eat.  You coming?"  Kartein had stopped in the doorway and was looking back at him.

"Yeah, okay."  He got to his feet and walked over to Kartein.

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