Ep 129 (Eleceed)

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Kayden watches Jiwoo lying on the bed, pale and still. The bandages on his chest blend in with the bedsheets like he's disappearing into them. His face is tensed up, either a bad dream or the pain, following him even in his sleep. The boiling tension swells within Kayden, and suddenly, it's all he can do to prevent himself from lashing out and destroying the room in a storm of bright blue sparks. He almost hates coming here. Having to deal with the crushing consequences of his weakness is something that he hasn't had to do in a long time. But it's the very least he can do for Jiwoo.

Putting a hand on that frail cheek, he pushes a little bit of his power in. Healing isn't his specialty although now he wishes with everything he has that it was. All he can do for Jiwoo is relieve his pain.

He allows himself one more moment of wallowing before clenching his fist decisively. His mind races, planning and plotting and sorting out priorities. After this, he can blame himself all he wants. Now though, Jiwoo needs immediate help. What does he need to do right now? He contemplates this as he paces briskly around the room—quietly though so he doesn't disturb Jiwoo. The most important things are finding a healer for Jiwoo's core and getting revenge on whichever fucking rat bastard did this. He already has a candidate for the healer; after all, only one that he knows of would be skilled enough for a job like this. The hardest part would be getting him to come here. But Kayden's willing to offer anything. That force control that Jiwoo was willing to protect with his life would make an excellent bargaining chip. A tiny voice in his head wonders how Jiwoo would react to that, but he silences it. No time to think about that just yet. He would cross that bridge when he came to it.

As for revenge, he already knows that kid Amyeong was one of the kidnappers. That is good. He has a lead. Amyeong is no doubt skilled at evasion; hell, the kid was slippery as a minnow even back then. Kayden knows that he can find him though. Especially with Shinhwa's help. A thread of trepidation, so thin it's almost nothing, worms itself into his head at the thought of torturing Amyeong. He bats it away. It's all Amyeong's fault anyway. If he hadn't gotten involved with Dran, with those scummy awakened ones, then Kayden wouldn't have to do this.

There's a tiny prickle of pain in his right palm and when he looks down, he sees blood welling up from the crescent-shaped dents in his hand. Frowning, he ignores it and continues pacing. After he catches Amyeong, he'll make him tell about who leaked the information about Jiwoo. It has to be one of the awakened groups in Korea. Baekdu, that gravity group, is very shady. He can't rule out other possibilities though.

Don't worry Jiwoo. I'll handle this.

He ruffles that mop of creamy hair gently and exits the room. The Shinhwa chairwoman and her aide are standing outside, waiting.

"The bastard who leaked information about Jiwoo...Find them."

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