Chapter 2

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The sun shone cheerfully against a background of wispy, white clouds and a bright blue sky.  A cool breeze blew through the streets, making the trees along the sidewalk sway gently.  It was a beautiful day, the kind that felt as if something great could happen at any moment.  The perfect day to create a monster cat.

Jisuk Yoo grinned as he strolled down the street holding two bags of cat food.  He had a feeling that he would find what he was looking for today.  

 As he went along his normal route, he stopped periodically to feed the strays there, all the while looking closely for a cat big enough for his project.  Jisuk had already met most of the cats that came up to him.  There was a small yellow cat, an old tabby, and a black cat with one eye missing, just to name a few.  None, however, were even close to the size of Jiwoo's fat cat.  With a sigh of disappointment, Jisuk moved on.

On his next stop, it was the same thing.  No suitable cats came up to him.  Watching the swarm of cats wolf down the food, Jisuk was starting to feel slightly hopeless.  How the hell was he supposed to find a fat cat among these skinny strays?

"Hey, Jisuk!"

Jisuk looked up to see Jiwoo waving at him.  Wooin and Subin were trailing behind him.  Something drew his gaze downwards and his heart skipped a beat.  Casein Nitrate was standing next to Jiwoo with that bored expression of his—so unnatural for a cat.

Oh, no.  What if he figures out what I'm planning?

His panic was interrupted by Jiwoo's cheerful greeting.  "It's great to see you.  Wow, you brought a lot of cat food!"

Subin smirked at him.  "Yeah, what's with all the food?  Didn't peg you for a crazy cat lady."

"Shut up," Jisuk hissed.  If she knew what a menace Jiwoo's cat was, she wouldn't be so cocky now.

Jiwoo sidled up next to him.  "It looks like you've already fed the cats here.  Do you want to move on now?"

"Yeah, okay."  This alley definitely didn't have what he was looking for.  Maybe he'd have more luck at the next stop.

The four of them, plus Casein Nitrate, walked together to a small park near their school.  This park attracted a lot of cats and Jisuk could see some of them looking up already, anticipating their free meal.  As he set out the food, he scanned the group of strays.  The only newcomers he saw were a gray cat (too skinny), a muscular one with white stripes (too old), and a big tortoiseshell (missing a leg)Damn it!  I can't find any powerful cats here.  Jisuk scowled in frustration.  He had brought all this cat food for nothing.

Something moved in the corner of his eye.  Jisuk turned his head and saw a white cat sitting at the edge of the park.  Holy shit!  The cat was huge, with broad shoulders and a belly to rival Casein Nitrate's.  It would be perfect for his project.

Carefully, Jisuk gathered the rest of his cat food and went over to the white cat, trying his best not to startle it.  It stared at him without a hint of fear.  The cat's expression even looked grumpy, just like Casein Nitrate.  Jisuk cackled inwardly.  With enough effort and training, he would make it into a formidable awakened cat indeed, one capable of conquering every threat to himself and his friends.

He poured cat food into the bowl he had brought until it was on the point of overflowing.  Then, he clicked his tongue to catch the cat's attention, but there was no need.  It was devouring the food as soon as he stepped back.  Jisuk mentally calculates how many days it would take for the cat to reach its full potential.  It's already pretty big, so he thinks it should be ready in a few weeks.

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