Episode 130

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He wasn't expecting Jiwoo to look so...beat up.  His chest is bare except for the bandages wrapped around him and when Wooin gets closer, he can't help noticing that his lips look dry enough to crack. When Jiwoo smiles at them, it's still the same lovely smile that is so unique to him and it's almost enough to alleviate Wooin's fears.  

When he had heard about the attack, all the worst-case scenarios possible had rushed through his mind—Jiwoo was gone, injured horribly, or, his heart had nearly screeched to a stop at this one, dead.  The wave of relief that had come with the news of Jiwoo's rescue had nearly knocked him off his feet and he hadn't dared to hope for anything more.  But now, standing in front of the hospital bed, a different fear gripped him on the inside with bruising fingers that choked him slowly and insidiously.  

 Jisuk and Subin seem less affected than him although there's a more muted air to their joking, something meaningless about Mr. Inhyuk and car accidents.  He hears their laughter through a thick haze and it feels weirdly normal, but he can't bring himself to join in or even say something to Jiwoo.  It's like something's numbed his brain, freezing it over like a pond in winter.

The numbness spreads to his limbs when Jiwoo tells them the news—that he can't use his awakened powers anymore and his arms are permanently injured.  It's almost unsettling; Jiwoo doesn't even seem that devastated when he tells them, face calm and voice even.  Like he's reciting someone else's diagnosis, not his.  Wooin wishes it had happened to someone else.  

Even Jisuk and Subin are stunned for a bit, the four of them trapped in silence for a moment before the two recover and start reassuring Jiwoo in upbeat, clearly forced tones. They claim he was lucky just to survive which is probably true though it honestly seems like a crime to call the person lying in front of them "lucky".  Wooin stands stiffly behind Subin.  A lump has risen in his throat and with a slow horror, he realizes that he's about to cry.  Clenching his fingernails into his hands, he steels himself and tries to steady his breathing.  In through his nose and out through his mouth.  Luckily, Jisuk ruffles Jiwoo's hair and they leave before the tear in his eye manages to escape down his cheek.

 His heart is pounding as he exits the room and stands in silence with Jisuk and Subin.  An odd sort of panic is running through his veins although there's no danger to face.  Jiwoo is alive.  That's what matters, right?  But his core and his armsthere's no cure for them.  

"Come on."  Jisuk looks as lost and furious as Wooin feels.  "Let's go to my sis.  Sheshe'll know what to do." 

Yes.  Yoo Jiyoung is Korea's top ranker and she's close to Jiwoo.  He knows that healing isn't her forte either, but surely she must know someone who can help.


She doesn't. "...still feels unendurable pain from time to time."  He hears the news and it's just a confirmation of what he already knows, yet it still sends that dull dread into his heart.  

"Fuck!"  He barely registers Jisuk's voice, nor the loud whack as he kicks the chair towards the wall.  They stand for a moment staring at the spindly chair lying on the ground.  

Subin asks, still persistent, "Is there any way to treat him?  Oh, should I ask the Union for help?"

The answer is no.  There's nobody who can heal Jiwoo.  None of the healers from any of the groups can do anything.  Despair forms a pit in his stomach and he only watches numbly as Jisuk turns and leaves the room, Subin calling after him with no avail.  


It's only when he's trudging home alone that the idea creeps into his head.  All the awakened group healers willing to come have tried with no success, but what about someone who isn't from any of those groups?  Granted, this person is currently sitting in a Union jail cell and also doesn't exactly have the most auspicious history with Jiwoo.  Stillthere's a chance.  And he knows that he can get the professor to do this with enough wheedling and begging.  Dr. Delein is still his mentor after all; he won't, can't deny Wooin this.

And so he reverses course and sprints all the way to the Union compound.  Two blank-faced guards stop him, citing something about security risks.  Normally, he would have backed off, but Jiwoo's life is hanging in the balance this time.  

"Sorry, Dr. Delein is not allowed visitors at this time.  If you continue to insist, we will be forced to escort you out."  The guard's voice is insincere and monotone, like that of a robot's.

Frustration and anger swells inside his chest and a hot surge runs through him.  With a small burst of shock, he realizes that his power is close to leaking out.  Small, red wisps are already gathering around his fingertips.  He hasn't lost control like this since he was a small child.

The guards frown down at his hands and step forward.

"Wooin, what are you doing here?"  Mr. Park's voice has never been so welcome before.  Entering from behind the guards, he scans Wooin closely before waving the guards away.  

"Mr. Park, please."  Dimly, he notes that his voice is shaking.  His power feels so unstable inside his body, thrashing and surging like it'll burst out of him any minute.  

"I need to see my professor.  It's an emergency.  I need his help for Jiwoo."  Desperately, he stares up at Mr. Park's tense face.  Mr. Park knows Jiwoo too and he's no doubt been informed of the attack.  Surely he'll—he must let Wooin in.

"Dr. Delein is not supposed to have visitors right now," Mr. Park begins reluctantly before sighing.  "But if you're really sure that he can help Jiwoo, then I'll let you see him now.  Make it quick."  

With that, he turns and strides out of the room, leaving Wooin to scramble after him.  Relief and the smallest bit of hope twist and turn in his chest and he relaxes his tense muscles slightly.  Now, all he'll have to do to convince the professor.

They arrive at the usual room, and Mr. Park leaves after glancing meaningfully at him.  A moment later, the door creaks open and the professor's voice, always so familiar, rings out into the room.

"What brings you here out of the blue?"

Wooin remains standing as the professor sits down in the creaky desk chair.  How can he convince the professor?  Ideas rush through his head, trades he can make for this favor—maybe he can ask Mr. Park to lighten the professor's sentence or provide better accommodations. 

The professor is still talking, but it's just a buzz in Wooin's ears.

"...Is something wrong?"

Something is wrong.  There's a sudden break inside of him, and he falls to his knees as if he was pushed.

"Professor, I have a favor to ask."

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