Stranger in the house

568 26 4

Bakugou POV:

I was dragging the body but that was hard and looked suspicious, so I put him on my back having him get a piggyback ride on me.

We reached home and he still wasn't up, I couldn't grab my keys with the heavy man on me so I knocked on the door.

And a brown haired girl open the door. She had a round face with pink checks and a brown bob that rimmed her face. "Oh you must be Toga- WAIT OMG IS THAT A DEAD BO-!!??" "OI shut up tell the whole neighborhood why don't you!!" "Uh c-come in-?"

I push her out the way and put the guy on the couch. "Hey babe is- wait wtf is that guy doing bleeding on the couch??!?" "I saw him on the way home and I couldn't just leave him there." "Well why not we don't know him." As me and Toga start arguing the brown headed girl sits on the ground in front of the couch. "Omg!! I know him this is my best friend!"

(I'm getting car sick I'm gonna stop writing-)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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