~・*☁️💧𝑁𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑡 𝑁𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡💧☁️ *・~

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The moons light bled through the cotten curtains that hung infront of the window. Rain pattered on the window, the autumn wind accompanied by the rain blew the leaves off the trees the surrounded their little cottage. Kiko, their cat, slept on the window sill, listening to the noises that formed outside. The two layed in their bed, neither sturing or turning, though that peacefulness didn't last for long. Kurapikas sleep was interrupted by the tossing and turning of his significant other Y/N.

'She is really turning tonight' he thought, failing to get sleep.

Though Y/N behavior began to scare him as she began to mumble and groan. Kurapika glued his gaze onto Y/N face, questioning whether or not she was okay. Her face was glossy and shimmering from the tears that had shed from her eyes; her lips quivering in fear as she continued to turn.

"Y/N?" He questioned, shaking her lightly.

He continued to shake her but no response, the feeling of nervousness flooded over him as he shook her harder than before. Calling out her name, hoping for some kind of reaction. Luckily he had gotten what he wanted; her eyes shot open and her body launched up in fear. Y/Ns eyes met kurapikas, laced with fear but at the same time relief that is was all just a nightmare. The woman's body was drenched in sweat. She clung to Kurapikas body, basking in his warmth, all she wanted right now was to be in his arms.

She cried, dampening his shirt, though he didn't mind. His soft hand caressed her back, rubbing it in an up and down motion in order to sooth her. He wrapped his arms around the petite woman, warming her up in his embrace.

"Would you like to talk about it, I heard that some people feel better when talking about their nightmares"

She nodded her head in response, lifting her head up to meet Kurapikas eyes. Their eyes locked, showing her worries had now effected her dreams and nightmares.

"I was waiting for you as usual, but you never came home. I called and texted you but no reply, I went looking for you. I had found you but I wish I didn't see what I had. I saw your corpse on the ground and when I checked your pulse it wasn't there. I saw the phantom troupe, they had killed you." She explained, choking on her words

"Love, that will never happen. I understand your worry, but that will never happen, I will always come back again to see you." He said, making his grip on the woman more firm

He spoke with so genuinely that it made her want to believe it, the truth was that she couldn't be sure. Despite that, the words he spoke still comforted her. She rested her head on his damp chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"See, I am still alive and when I die, it will not be at the hands of those monsters." He spoke, playing with her long locks of hair.

A smile appeared on her face, her breathing going back to normal. It felt as if the world had gone quiet, all they could hear was their heartbeats and that is all they needed.

"Kurapika, could you please read me a book?" Y/N asked him, wanted to get closing even though she couldn't.

"Of course my love." He responded, smiling.

He brushed back her hair and kissed her forehead, smiling in the kiss. They positioned themselves against the headboard of the bed. Kurapika used the illumination from the moon to find a book in a little compartment in his nightstand, once he did he leaned back on the headboard again. He nudged closer to Y/N; after making sure they were both comfortable he pulled the covers onto the lover half of their bodies, snuggling in and basking in the heat they couldn't get from outside. Kurapika opened the book and then began to read.

As he read, Y/N started to doze off, resting her head on Kurapikas shoulder. Kurapika continued to play with her hair, wondering how he had gotten so lucky to have gotten a girl like her. The bed sunk as Kiko jumped onto the bed to join them.

"Hey Kiko, come here. " Y/N spoke, making a hand gesture to the cat.

The cat walked across the bed and went in Y/Ns lap, making baskets in the area before getting comfortable to listen to the story as well. Y/N gently pet Kiko as he purred snuggled in her lap. She smiled and kissed Kiko on the top of his head, then gave kurapika a peck on the cheek. He read the words on the page, but as he began his next sentence, he smiled and took a glance at the sight next to him. Which made his smile bigger than Y/N had ever seen. Y/Ns eyelids grew heavier, even though she didn't want to sleep, she wanted to charish this moment for as long as she could before her body gave out on her. The woman pulled the covers up higher on her porselin body, so did the man as he felt himself giving into sleeps temptations as well. Y/Ns eyelids fluttered, attempting to stay awake to listen to the harmony of her significant others voice. He looked back down at Y/N and noticed her state and spoke.

"Darling, you don't have to stay awake."

"I know, but I want to, I want to stay wrapped in your embrace forever." she said meeting his beautiful, grey orbs that shined in the moonlight.

"You will, but a little shut eye won't hurt now would it?" he giggled, pulling her in closer

They shared a quick but loving kiss; Y/Ns eyelids finally gave out on her and they fluttered shut. Kurapika smiled at her and shut the book, placing it back in its original spot. He snaked his arms around her waist, closing his eyes as well.

"Kurapika, please don't ever leave me." Y/N spoke before drifting off

"I will never leave your side, you filled my life with more happiness than I thought I could have. Thank you so much Y/N" He said

He kissed her cheek and then kissed her forehead after brushing strands of her hair out of the way. They both fell asleep knowing that they never wanted this moment to end.

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