~・*💧☁️𝑂𝑢𝑟 𝐵𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑖𝑠 𝑂𝑢𝑟 𝐻𝑜𝑚𝑒☁️💧*・~

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My fingers scrambled over the tv remote, expressing my disinterest for the channels. The tv's brightness glistened in my eyes, changing their hue. Footsteps grew louder as a figure approached my slumped figure on the couch. The hoodie and baggy pants that draped over my body made the skin that covered my bones a comfortable warm.

"Hello darling." I chirped, resting the remote on my side

"Hello sweetheart" he calmly replied back, the couch sinking as his presence deepened and soaked into the fabric of the couch.

I leaned on his side as we began to watch what was on the tv, occasional laughter filled the room accompanying the sounds produced by the tv. Our heartbeats sang a tune with one another as relaxation streamed over our thoughts. No banter was exchanged between the two, only the sound of the tv lingered. The noise faded away as he spoke.

"Do you wanna get ice cream today, I know you love doing that?"

"No..I don't really wanna go there anymore." I muffled, unease in my voice

"I know something is wrong, do you want to tell me?" He questioned with a concerned look pasted on his face

Before I spoke he leaned over my lap, grabbing the remote and turning off the ambience of the tv. He turned his full attention to me, giving me the opportunity to speak how I felt. Tears began to grow in my eyes, like puddles created by the rain, increasing by  the second.

"I just feel like I have gotten chubby, I put on a a few pounds and i'm not happy with that. I don't know what to do, and it is making me self conscious.." I expressed, the tears creating damp marks on my hoodie

I let my body collapse and fell onto his chest, his arms swooping around my like a Venus flytrap. The tears that flowed down my face landed on his shoulder, dampening it as well. We pulled away from one another, as much as we wanted to stay close. Our eyes linked together, the feeling they expressed let me know I was going to be okay.

"I'm sorry that you feel that way, even though I don't quite understand why you would. A lot of people see themselves differently than how others see them. What you may see as flaws on yourself is what I find beautiful; and even I am insecure about some things you probably find attractive about me." He spoke, ending it off with a giggle

"Like what- I mean if you're comfortable with sharing?" I stuttered, never knowing he was insecure

"Well I wish I had abs, sometimes I get scared that you will leave my because of my physical body." He said

I pulled him back into a hug, a feeling of grief washing over me as his sadness caused mine. Though, that did not stop him from speaking to me.

"If you ever feel down about your body, you can always come and talk to me. If you body truly makes you unhappy them maybe we could go on a diet and work on it together. I mean, we got to stick together right?" He chuckled at the last part, already knowing the answer

His words of kindness struck my core in a spot that sprouted tears to my eyes once again. I hid my eyes as I rested my head in his chest. My legs changed position on the couch, curling up near me as I clung to Kurapika. We sat there for some moments of silence before his voice rung in my ears.

"We can go out for ice cream later, but for now lets just spend time with each other." He said, the idea making smiles appear on both of our faces

"I would love that" I said, my lips curving to form a smile

He stood up but before I could he asked me something.

"Can I carry you there?"

"I might be to heavy.." I said nervously, my fingers twitched

"Hun, even though I don't look it I am strong." He joked, giggling at his own joke

With that he swooped me into his embrace, carrying me bridal style to the bed. We approached my side of the bed, as he plopped me down on the mattress he propped me up against the headboard. He walked to the other side of the bed and sat down beside me, tucking us both into the warm comfort of the Egyptian silk sheets. The warmth of the blankets and sheet engulfed us in a familiar feeling of relaxation like a cocoon. Thought the worlds colors bled through the windows we remained untainted by its alarming callings to trot on its surfaces.

Our bodies drew closer, soon transforming from two halves to a being that was always secretly one. The feeling of love calmed my soul, my core. Knowing someone truly loved me, all of me in all of my glory. It made me happy, it made me content with the person I was knowing that I am lovable.


The clothes that were once draped over my vessel had been changed to something different as we now prepared to take in the worlds color-filled begging to embrace its beauties. As I slipped on my shoes their grip tightened on my feet, I made sure they were secure before rising to stand. Kurapika slipped to my side and led me out the door, a click following the closing of the door. The walk felt like it took excruciating hours to get to the ice cream shop that was planted at the front of the mini mall.

Our eyes widened in awe at all the flavor choices, but we had to make a decision. My significant other had gotten plain vanilla with a cone, while I had gotten f/f (favorite flavor) also in a cone. The cold substance made contact with my tongue, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I had soon grown comfortable to the temperature, due to the alluring and tasty flavor that it had. We took it upon ourselves to sit at a nearby wooden bench, each others words flooded the ears of ours and all who passed. As we talked clouds began to pass in the sky, as we finished our ice cream we began to explore around the mall and then ventured off to other places that we had yet to discover.


The bright lights of the ferris wheel glimmered and glistened in the orbs that danced around in our eyes, bolting to peer at anything that seemed interesting. We took the time to stare at the scenery that the sky helped so gracefully to decorate with the stars and moon it presented the earth. Wind laced with coldness brushed up against our skin, attempting to take whisks of our hair with it on its journey. The two of us moved closer to each other, consuming the warm from one another as the cold persisted. The ferris wheel came to a stop, halting us in the sky.

Our heads spun as we looked at how the ocean shimmered under the stars. We turned to face one another, our lips joining as we shared a blissful surreal kiss. As we parted we looked back at the vast lands and ocean, a smile imprinted on our faces.

"Hey hun?" I said

"Yes darling, what is it?" He questioned back to me

"Thank you for accepting me for how I look and for how I am, you make me feel so loved, and I don't know how." I replied, showing my appreciation for his actions and words

"Why would you thank me? I'm only doing what a lover is supposed to." He giggled, but I knew he mean every single word he spoke

We took these last moments to bask in the world, all the moments I had with him, and all the moments I would continue to share with him. We will forever share our lives, our thoughts, feeling, and exchange eternal happiness.

This was a request for a chubby reader, and I hope you enjoyed!

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