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"I thought you were the one advocating more spotlight for undiscovered and rising stars. Now, why do you suggest booking a model instead?" Mrs Nandhini says.

Miraya squeezes her eyes close and opens them again, her brown eyes bright like the forced smile on her face. "Yes, but don't we usually book models if a celebrity pulls out? Maybe we can do...um, Shray Nivas, in the next issue, with better planning and organisation? We can't do him justice in such a short time." His name makes her tongue feel so weird that she wants to spit the organ out. Away from her.

She won't be given the privilege of doing the cover story of the issue twice in a row. If she manages to put him next instead of quitting the assignment altogether, everything would go back to being great. It was a clever idea.


"Ma'am —"

"I don't understand what you are trying to say, Miraya. Are you suggesting that we might not be equipped enough to pull off this? You should know that we have carefully considered our options and come to the conclusion. Shray has a growing fanbase, especially women. If my niece gets the chance, she'll buy all the copies herself, stick his pictures in her room — if there's any space left, that is — and memorise his interview. There are so many girls like her. Shray is very relevant right now. We should be grateful that he has agreed to do it despite his busy schedule. We are in no position to pick. Beggars can't be choosers, Miraya. "

She bites her lip. "Ma'am, please consider —"

"No, Miraya. You don't understand. We have already reached out to his team regarding it and they are interested as much as we are, especially for the promotion he can get for his upcoming film. Though, they mentioned some time and venue adjustments because of his tight schedule for the month but we think we can accommodate it," Mrs Nandhini says, breaking her heart with every word.

She continues the assault. "I am afraid your suggestions and ideas are fruitless right now, Miraya. It's only a matter of whether you will take it up or not. If you don't want to, I can ask Shree to do it. With a little guidance, she will be able to —"

"NO." Miraya blurts. She can tolerate it if the assignment went to someone else but if it's Shree, then absolutely not.

Shree is like an annoying fruit fly that hovers even if you swat it away.

If an opportunity is given to her instead of Miraya, Shree will make up a story that she will repeat ten thousand times a day. The story will include a woman who is offered an opportunity and is shocked when she receives it (Played by Shree). But instead of taking it like a 'greedy' woman, she will insist it be given to the 'deserving' one (Played by Miraya). Eventually, under high persuasion, the 'greedy' woman ends up taking the opportunity.

Note of paramount importance: It isn't out of greed but out of pressure that she accepts it; She will give it all away in a blink.

As if.

The amount of bullshit in the story manages to impress Miraya every single time. She shudders when she pictures listening to Shree transform her urge to show off into fake guilt and apology.


She wouldn't let herself be upstaged by that fruit fly. She would swat it away before it got the chance to fly.

"I'll take the assignment. It would be a pleasure," Miraya says, smiling through her teeth. Mrs Nandhini beams, a glimpse of relief in her eyes. God, why do I hate so many people in my life? They just have to be annoying, haven't they? she thinks.

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