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Miraya is completely still under Shray's touch.

Time stops. It really does.

She feels every minute movement of his lips, every little shift in the temperature, the increasing weight of his hands on her. She feels it as she freezes in the moment with wide eyes, a heart racing against light and feet struggling to stand. Miraya's fingers claw his shoulders to keep her from crashing to the ground.

Shray interprets that as a sign of encouragement. His arms wrap around her waist, pinning her close to him. He angles her face without breaking the kiss so he can kiss deeper.

Shray's lips are warm, inviting and tempting. If she thought Shray's hug was the best, his kiss was a staircase to heaven. Maybe she was feeling this way because she has never been kissed before. Or maybe she is feeling this way because she has wondered too many times what it might feel like to kiss Shray.

Oh, it feels good. So good.

Miraya is nervous and self-conscious. She doesn't know what to do. She is afraid she might ruin it. That's why she stays perfectly still while he kisses her and tries not to melt in a gooey mess.

But when Shray licks her bottom lip with his tongue, teasing her as if to say you know you want to, she gasps. His hands grip her hips tighter. It hits a switch inside her, unlocking all the pent-up feelings she has stored inside her for him. Hate and love. Love and hate. A cruelly delicious mixture of both.

She gives in and kisses him back. Miraya surrenders all control to him and allows him to guide her. She moves her lips against his. Slowly, then with a little bit of confidence, and then hungrily.

Drenched in pleasure from head to toe, she forgets the laws she has made up in her head. She forgets everything and doesn't care about it because she feels her neurons bursting with an overload of sensations. There is a blackout in her brain.

Shray backs her up against the door. Neither of them break the kiss. It's almost like a competition, an extension of the argument they were having. They aren't ready to lose.

Shray's fingers trace the sliver of skin just beneath her shirt. He doesn't slide his hands under the piece of clothing and make her burn with his touch like she wants him to.

Oh man, she has lost it.

Her mind has given up on her. There is no one to tell her to stop.

Shray presses his lips to her one last time and pulls away, breathless and panting, staring at her like she was the eighth wonder. "You like me too. You have feelings for me. Miraya.... since when —"

Reality hits her like a brick flung at her face. She pushes him away. "No. No, I don't."

His lips are on the way to becoming a bruised red. The flushed look on his face, his breathless state, his chest heaving and a swollen lip from kissing is a painting Miraya would sell her kidney for. But it is also criminal evidence she wants to destroy.

Miraya should have pushed him away when he kissed her. She gave in to him despite her obvious hard feelings towards him that she has conveyed several times. Her actions don't align with her words, her words don't align with her thoughts, her thoughts don't align with her heart. It's a stupid meaningless cycle. Miraya is guilty of what she'd done. She is ashamed. She had given in to some twisted want buried inside her like a fool. An idiot. That's what she is.

She doesn't bear to look at him anymore. "I have to go," she mutters, her eyes never meeting him.


Her eyes squeeze close. "Please. Don't." She is the one begging now.

Miraya opens the door and shuts it as soon as she is out, non-verbally asserting that she doesn't want him to follow her.

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