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Miraya's sling bag slaps against her thighs as she runs towards the cafe. Heads turn and watch her whiz past by, some shaking in disapproval and some turning back without a care; she appreciates the latter.

The cafe is posh, serving both Western and Indian breakfast in the same place. It isn't very popular among the Middle-class crowd because of the cost of the food. Miraya suggested it because she needed to talk to Kishore without the possibility of running into her relatives and because it has a nice homey feel.

Miraya enters the cafe and scans the room for her friend.

"You dyed your hair black? Burgundy was so cool on you," Miraya says, dumping her bag in the empty seat next to her. Kishore's eyes light up at the sight of her.

"Ma specifically told me to do it before I came home. She doesn't want my hair to become the talk of the town," Kishore says, dipping the piece of crispy Dosa into a red chutney and then white chutney, followed by the green chutney. "God, I missed this. I think I could eat four more Dosas."

She throws a disgusting look at him as he gobbles food like a starved man. From what she's seen, every Indian who returns from a foreign country after a long stay appreciates Indian food like it's the last molecule of oxygen in the world. They'd go on and on about how much they missed the rich Indian spices, the flavour, the aroma and all the fancy culinary terms. Miraya had been one of these people. "Help yourself. The food is unlimited at the buffet."

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"I am," Miraya says, eyeing the well-crafted croissants and shimmery doughnuts on the buffet table. It has been so long since Miraya had a scrumptious breakfast. She usually chooses coffee over it.

"Bring me the Dosas, no?" he asks. Miraya rolls her eyes but her lips curve when she remembers how bossy he is. They used to have arguments about it back in their apartment in Germany.

"Fine. Don't eat the plate too," she snips and walks away from him. Miraya piles toast, scrambled eggs and every single dessert she can find on one plate. The next one has her favourite combo — Vada, Idli and Sambar.

"Don't touch," she warns Kishore as she places the plates on their table. Then, she takes his plate and returns back with what he wanted and a glass of watermelon juice for her.

Miraya starts with her toast. "So, how was your flight? And how is Drithi?"

"My flight got delayed an hour but otherwise it was fine. And Drithi... That little devil is the same bubbly giggling mess. Someone taught her to demand chocolates in return for a kiss so I got an earful from my sister when I gave her a big tub of M&Ms. I had to leave when Drithi was asleep because otherwise she wouldn't let me go."

"That's cute. You're living up to the title of the cool uncle who loves to spoil her. Every child needs one," Miraya says, sipping her juice. "So, what did you get for me?"

"I was supposed to?"

Miraya's jaw drops.

"I was kidding. It's in my bag. I'll give it to you later." Kishore shakes his head when Miraya's shoulders relax with relief.

"So, you slept through your alarm again?" he asks. Miraya was hoping he wouldn't bring up her tardiness because if there is one thing that Kishore hates, it's the lack of punctuality. Which, unfortunately, characterised Miraya.

"Actually, I forgot to set one," she sheepishly admits. "Before you say anything, I am sorry, okay? I took a quick shower and drove here as fast as I could. The traffic was another problem."

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