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The next morning Miraya wakes up to a note stuck on Dakshina’s lamp. She almost doesn't notice it as both the colour of the sticky note and the lamp is yellow. She peels the note off and reads.

I am leaving for the gym after which I'll head back to my house. I didn't want to wake you so I borrowed a fresh towel from your closet and the spare toothbrush from your cabinet. I hope you don't mind. Thanks for letting me crash here. I'll call you sometime later. 

Shray x 

P.S. You still sleep with your fingers tangled in your hair. Cute. 

A smile stretches on her lips as she stares at the note. Waking up to such a sweet note from Shray feels like someone filled her heart with hot chocolate and marshmallows. 

Miraya makes Dakshina’s bed and pads over to her room to get ready for work. Everything is as she left it yesterday, except for the well-made bed. Of course, Shray had tidied up before leaving the room. He was such a neat freak. 

She showers quickly. When she steps out of the bathroom, her phone rings. It is her mother. 

Miraya presses the phone to her ear. "Hey, Ma."

"You didn't tell us that you'll be going to the trailer event with Shray. Why are we always finding out things through the internet? We are your parents. Don't you think we deserve the right to know of your plans?" Amma says.

"Ma, it was a last minute plan. And I wasn't supposed to be seen. I was somehow captured by the cameras. I was just there to support Shray. I had to do it for him," Miraya explains. 

"At least give us a warning next time. And where did you buy that sari? It was so pretty. You looked so beautiful in it, kanna."

Occasional compliments from her mother were Miraya’s favourite because she rarely ever got them. "Thanks, Ma. Actually Shray bought the sari for me."

"He has good taste. And he is kind. Your Appa and I were talking and we realised that we haven't met with Shray at all since your schooling. I discussed it with Mala and she invited us for dinner with them."

"Oh. When?"

Miraya places the phone on her table and puts on the speaker while she readies herself for work. 

"Today. Mala just called me. She said she checked with Shray’s manager and found that he was free tonight."

"Tonight? I mean, you are telling me now?"

"Why? Do you have work to do?"

Miraya paces in her room. Can she get a break? At least for a day to go back to her normal life and recharge to be fake? 

"No. I was just surprised since it's on such short notice."

"It's just dinner, Miraya," her mother deadpans. 

"Okay. I'll talk to Shray." 

With that, she hangs up. 

As if cued, her phone lights up with a message from Shray. I'll not be free for the next one week. Let's hang tonight? 

Oh boy, he didn't know that they already had plans made for them by their parents. I suggest rechecking tonight's agenda with your manager :)

Three dots popped up and disappeared only to show up a few minutes later. When did this happen? Dinner with your family? I am freaking out!! 

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