9//Change of Heart

204 6 1

Dark's POV.

Damien. You can't abuse her like that.

"I know, Celine. It's infuriating that she responds so erratically! I don't understand her!"

You don't understand women, period.

"I understand that they get the period."

Damien, shut up.

"I've been told that twice today! Sorry I have a sense of humour!"

If anything, it's dry and dark.

"Haha, use my nick-name, huh?"

Want to make it 3 times?

"... No, sis."

Good. Now, calm down, let her have a few days to herself, don't hurt anybody she thinks about, and you'll be okay.

"Sure, sure."

We'll get to Mark soon enough, okay? Good job with manipulating his body enough to speak to her in that one video, though.

"Thanks, I'm pretty good at that."

Yeah, yeah, whatever. Stay low, and away from her.

"Got it."

Celine doesn't say anything else, so that leaves me with my own thoughts.

... well, if I had any, at that moment. All I can think about is (Y/N) and whatever else she thinks, which is usually some other person.

God! She drives me insane. I love her, but there's no way I'm going to be able to tell her that without her thinking I'm insane.

No... we kissed. She enjoyed it!

Ah, there goes my thoughts, processing everything...

I'm so madly in love with (Y/N).


"No, Unest. I don't want you-... No, you listen to me! I-... hello? Fuck you!"

I sigh and toss my phone on my bed. Unest hung up on me, not even letting me finish my damn sentence! I hate it when he doesn't let me explain shit, why did I even hire him?

Maybe Kahaki will help me... Where did I toss my phone, now?


"Yes! Thank you so much, Kahaki! Oh, and tell Unest to kiss my ass. Haha. Thank you again, bye-bye."

Perfect! Kahaki can watch over her so I don't have to, and he can even act as a friend, ah! Perfect, perfect!

Damien, what the fuck? I was gone for 3 hours, what did you just tell Kahaki to do?

"Uh... N-Nothing..."

Okay, well, there goes Mrs. Nice Gal. Listen, you little shit-

"Hey! Don't call your big bro-"



I look in the dresser's mirror, seeing Celine.

What did you just call her?


I walk up to Celine and shove her down.

"Don't you DARE call her a WHORE." I loomed over her.

"Damien, she's using you. They all have, and they all will."

"How do you know?! Huh?!"

"What about every other girl you've been with? What have THEY done?!"

"Shut the fuck up. (Y/N) is different."

Celine got up and got directly in my face.

"She wants you because you look like him. Nothing else."

"Why do you have to ruin-" I grab her shoulders... "-my damn LOVE LIFE?!" And shove her to the ground again. Hard. She huffs in pain.

"We are on a mission. We have a job. It's to take care of Mark correctly, and to stop him from hurting other people." She glared at me.

"I understand that, but have you seen what he does with his YouTube persona? He's so... he's so kind." My entire tone changed. I think she noticed it, too. "He donates to charities..."

I think for a moment longer. It can't be possible.

"Celine... what if we were made out to be the bad guys? Have..."

I paused for a moment, and I felt all the anger from the both of us flow away.

"Sis. Have... have we become... the bad guys?" I put a hand out to help her up, but she shoo's it away, helping herself up.

"Thanks, but I deserve that shove after what I said about the girl." She stands up and dusts herself off. "Back to what you were saying... I... I think you're right..."

We stood in silence and looked at each other, lost in thought. I think she knows we're thinking the same thing.

"We're becoming the bad guys." I finally spoke up.


"What do we do, then?"

She didn't reply immediately, but after a moment, she spoke up. "We stop everything."

"What?" I look at Celine, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Even though he got his 'revenge' on me, why should we continue? He's changed. I started the entire issue by being with Wilford. He's got his part done and over with."

"Celine, he killed you."

"No, I did that to myself. The house has powers, you know. I tried to take care of it myself. He did nothing."


She waved a hand up, silencing me. "No, Damien. I'll leave you be. Just, listen though, okay?"


"You're a good brother, despite you torturing (Y/N) for a few days. I know that part wasn't you. Isn't you. Be good to her, atleast."

"Okay, Celine."

"See you around."

With that, she hugs me tight, and leaves.

I'll make that a promise, and keep it for you.

852 words.

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