• Uno Madness •

352 11 7

Your POV

Making our way down the hall I can already hear Toby's and Maskys muffled arguing through the wooden door infront of us.

Jeff went to reach for the door handle and opened the door, Inside was L.J sitting on the ground sucking on a lollipop looking like a big toddler. Like really tall. Beside him was Clocky and Jane chatting together. And hoodie just sitting there with the deck infront of him probably wondering how the hell he got into that mess.

Or the mess to come.

I walked in the door with a still very stoned elf and emo and sat on the ground by L.J, Jeff coming and sitting by me along with BEN by him. Masky by his "boyfriend" and their love child in-between BEN and Masky.

"Stfu up Tobias otherwise I will tell him you were the one who carved 'gay man here' on his desk." Masky scowled at Toby. The boy beside him looked like he was going to lose it, along with his tics acting up due to the pressure of maskys voice. "Sorry." Toby mumbled.

"OKAY! Now, how about we carry on with the show." L.j said while putting the lollipop to the other side of his mouth and reaching for the deck. God damn what was I doing here.

~Time skip cuz author lazy~

"COME ON IT WAS JUST ON GREEN I HAVE ONLY RED CARDS!!!" I screamed while practically yanking out my hair. We had been playing for an hour. A FUCKING HOUR. L.J was cheating the whole damn time and stealing my cards and trading them with candy. Clockwork was to drunk she stopped playing and just lay there watching the game. Jane and Jeff were going to kill each other, And hoodie I'm pretty sure was sleeping under his mask.

Masky was winning, Toby in 2nd and BEN spent most of the time on his DS. I just fell backwards onto my back and rubbed my eyes aggressively. "I can't do this shit." I muttered. "Okay y/n, it's your turn." Masky some how calmly said. Bitch was winning that's how. "Bro I don't have any... oh we on red hehehe" I sat up and grabbed my red card and put it down. Either way I wasn't going to win.

"I will grab your heals and push them so down your throat y-" I cut Jeff off by putting my hand on his back. For some reason the only thing it seemed I was good at was calming people. His breathing went back to whatever his normal pace is and his focus went back to the game.

Later on Hoodie actually ended up winning, which made Toby start laughing like hell and Masky just walking to his bed. I think after everyone was going to leave he was still going to snitch on Toby.

I got up from my spot and looked at the cards that had flown everywhere due to Jeff or me, Or even when masky threw his everywhere when Hoodie played uno reverse. I walked to the door and stayed outside leaned against the wall. Waiting for Jeff didn't take that long. Although I wasn't really comfortable sleeping in a room with him it was better than the couch and getting stabbed in my sleep.

"Are you coming?" Jeff said while heading down the right side of the hall, I just grunted in reply. I could hear Jeff murmuring to himself, as if he was arguing with people in his head. I was going to go to school for psychology, really interested me. Maybe this would be a way to practice.

Jeff suddenly turned to a painted black door and swung it open, I recognized it due to it being near the stairs. And also me trying to kill him, that made me giggle. "What are you laughing at?" He growled while sitting down on his bed. He had an extra in the corner in his room thank God.

"Just a thought." I plainly replied while making my way towards the twin sized bed. I sat down and fell back looking at the poorly painted Grey ceiling.

"Do you... like? No um do you enjoy being around me?"

Jeff's POV 👀

I asked her.

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